

The first phase of dossier preparation focuses on the preparation of materials to be sent to expert evaluators. These materials typically include:

  • a CV (see Appendix 1: Suggestions for Faculty CVs)
  • a short statement (4-7 pages) defining the candidate’s chosen area of excellence as teaching and contextualizing the materials included for review (see Appendix 2: Suggestions for Preparing Short Statement and Evidence for Expert Evaluators)
  • a sample of evidence for review by expert evaluators. (This evidence is specific to the area of excellence.) Common items provided to outside evaluators include:
    • pedagogical materials (syllabi, sample assignments, etc.)
    • videos of teaching or conducting
    • peer observations of teaching
    • evidence of student achievement
    • teaching evaluations
    • reprints of articles
    • Tables of Contents and parts of books
    • recordings
    • scores of compositions or arrangements with accompanying sound sources

See additional suggestions under “Evidence of Teaching” in Procedures in the Jacobs School of Music for Long-Term Contracts.

Candidates will consult with their department chair and with the ADFARCA to determine the appropriate scope and quantity of materials to be sent out. All files should be converted to PDFs when appropriate.

This phase also includes the identification of letter writers in two categories:

1. Expert evaluators. For appointment to a long-term contact, evaluative letters for the dossier may be drawn from expert evaluators within the School or from the profession at large. Evaluators from within the School should not also be serving on the candidate’s review committee.

The candidate will supply a list of at least four people from outside the department to serve as expert evaluators. After discussion with appropriate members of the department or review committee, the review committee chair may compile a separate list of a maximum of four additional expert evaluators if desired. In both cases expert evaluators may be from the JSoM, the university, or outside of the university, but may not be within the candidate’s department.

The department chair should contact all potential evaluators to determine their willingness to write a letter evaluating the candidate. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Research, and Creative Activity will send the candidate’s dossier and a copy of the Jacobs School procedures for professor of practice appointments to all those correspondents willing to participate.

2. Student evaluators. The candidate will identify former students (6-8) from whom to request letters of support.

See also “Letters for the Dossier” in Procedures in the Jacobs School of Music for Long-Term Contracts.

Timeline for Phase 1:

Deadline Candidate Responsibility Department Chair Responsibility
November/December Meet with Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Research, and Creative Activity (ADFARCA) to discuss candidate’s area of excellence, preliminary lists of evaluators, and materials to be submitted for external review.
January 15 Submit first draft of CV.
January 31
Submit first draft of short statement.
March 1 Deadline for submission:

  • final draft of CV
  • final draft of statement
Begin contacting potential expert evaluators (for candidate and department, if applicable) and compile list of acceptances. Templates for writing to evaluators will be made available upon request.
April 1 Deadline for submission:

  • CV and short statement (as approved by ADFARCA and chair)
  • items to send to expert evaluators
  • a list of names reflecting the candidate’s choices for expert evaluators and student evaluators (as described above), including contact information for all and a brief description of each expert evaluator’s relationship to the candidate.
Deadline for submission:

  • a list of names reflecting the department’s choices for expert evaluators (as described above), including contact information and a brief description of each evaluator’s relationship to the candidate.


Jacobs School of Music Long-Term Contract Handbook for Professors of Practice Copyright © by Jacobs School of Music. All Rights Reserved.