2 Dossier Preparation: Phase 2

Following the submission of materials in Phase 1, the candidate will begin compiling the complete dossier to be submitted for review. Candidates will be given access to a shared online folder in which to compile their remaining materials.

Candidate’s Personal Statement

One of the most important parts of this phase of dossier preparation is drafting the candidate’s personal statement. The short statement provided for expert evaluators may be used as the basis to expand the personal statement as desired. Research/creative activity and service in support of teaching may also be addressed in this expanded version of the statement. This is also the place to describe the candidate’s background, philosophy, etc., as appropriate. Although there are many ways to write an effective statement, the final statement should follow these guidelines as closely as possible:

  • Length: 6-10 pages
  • The statement should begin with a brief introduction containing biographical or philosophical context for the discussion of the candidate’s work. The introduction should also confirm the candidate’s chosen area of excellence as teaching.
  • The narrative should go beyond a prose summary of the CV and should explain why individual contributions are significant to the candidate’s work as a whole and to their field.
  • The narrative should refer to specific evidence in the dossier and should include links to specific portions of the dossier whenever possible.
  • The statement should end with a brief conclusion and may include discussion of future plans.

The candidate is encouraged to submit drafts of the statement to the ADFARCA as early as possible. (The first draft should be submitted no later than June 15.) The Scholarly Writing Program (SWP) is also an excellent resource for those seeking additional assistance with their personal statements.

Compiling Materials for the Dossier

The candidate may add new items to the CV as appropriate. Revised drafts of the CV may be shared with the ADFARCA at any time.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to create an index of materials included in the dossier. This index should provide links to specific items in the folder to give reviewers a clear overview of the materials submitted. Links to each index should also be included at the end of the candidate’s personal statement. Please consult the Office of the ADFARCA for assistance with the preparation of this index.

For additional guidance in preparing the complete dossier, the candidate should consult the following portion of this handbook:

Timeline for Phase 2:

Deadline Candidate Responsibility Department Chair Responsibility
June Continue to compile materials for dossier, consulting department chair and ADFARCA as necessary.
June 15 Submit revised CV and complete draft of personal statement.
July 1 Send suggestions for revisions to CV and personal statement to candidate and ADFARCA.
August 1 All evidence must be uploaded to shared online folder for review by ADFARCA and chair.
August 15 Schedule meeting(s) for departmental review of dossier (ideally during first week of September) and report date(s) to ADFARCA.
August 26 Completed dossier submitted. Chair should be prepared to approve dossier for routing to the department committee no later than one week before scheduled departmental review.


Jacobs School of Music Long-Term Contract Handbook for Professors of Practice Copyright © by Jacobs School of Music. All Rights Reserved.

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