4 eDossier Overview
- 24/7 secure access
- Accessible via One.IU
- System should be available to begin uploading materials in late spring
Routing the dossier
- Candidate/Department Chair (checklist)
- Departmental Committee
- Department Chair
- School Committee
- Dean
- Campus Committee
- Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
- Provost
- President
For candidates
- Checklist will be visible at all stages
- Can name delegate to help with uploading
- Dossier is frozen once department chair approves at checklist level—any revised or new files must be submitted via “Supplemental Materials” folder
- No access to letters or vote records
For department chairs
- Department chair must approve at checklist level before dossier routes to departmental committee
- ADFARCA will also be given access for this stage
- Departmental committee will receive e-notification when dossier is ready to view
- We will need to manually enter the names of committee members to prompt notifications
- Departmental committee members will have access to candidate materials and all letters
- Committee members should not save, print, or share any letters
- Vote records are frozen once entered
- If a re-vote is necessary, the new vote will be appended and will not replace previous vote
- Vote records are not broken down by category (i.e., this information must be included in letters)
- Letters are frozen once dossier is routed beyond departmental level
- If department chair is also chair of departmental committee, must record votes and upload letters at both department level and chair level
Supplemental materials
- Materials may be added at any time during review process (documents will be date- and time-stamped)
- When new materials are added, notifications are sent only to principals at each level
- Notification at current level of review is FYI only—no action is needed
- Notification for principals at past levels will prompt acknowledgment of new material
- acknowledge vs. acknowledge with action
- Candidate may also use “Supplemental Materials” folder to respond to negative votes