3 Guide Types

For accurate indexing of our LibGuides, it is important that each guide is assigned the appropriate type.

Currently IU Libraries utilizes three LibGuide types:

  1. Research Guide: guides that contain targeted information and recommended resources for a particular subject, academic department, or major.
  2. Topic/General Purpose Guide: guides that pull together information on a central topic, tool, or research area that is not generally considered to be an academic department or program. These guides can also feature special or current events or highlight archival collections, resources, or service at IU Libraries.
  3. Course Guide: guides designed to support the teaching and research needs of a specific course.

Naming Conventions

Currently, the only guide-naming conventions in place are for our Course Guides. Please follow this naming convention for your Course Guide’s title:

[Department Code] [Course code] [Shortened version of course title and/or instructor last name]

Example: ANTH E400 Fashion, Beauty, Power


Springshare Manual and Style Guide for IU Libraries Copyright © by James Henry Smith. All Rights Reserved.

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