Department Culture
Faculty Development

The department has 1,144 full-time faculty members around the state.
Those with the rank of Assistant Professor make up 68.74% of the full-time faculty. Within that, 37.9% identify as female; and 9.3% are considered underrepresented in the medical profession (URiM).
- 13.61% are Associate Professors, with 31.2% identifying as female and 4.3% identifying as URiM
- 15.98% are Full Professors, with 17.9% identifying as female and 2.5% identifying as URiM
- 1.68% are Endowed or Distinguished Professors, with 11.8% identifying a female and 11.8% identifying as URiM
Faculty Promotions, effective July 1, 2024, were also announced. Fourteen faculty members were promoted to Associate Professor and five were awarded tenure. An additional five faculty members were promoted to full Professors. They are:
- Ankit Desai, MD (Cardiovascular Medicine)
- Hala Fatima, MD (Gastroenterology & Hepatology)
- Shadia Jalal, MD (Hematology/Oncology)
- Jon Piganelli, PhD (Endocrinology)
- Kathleen Unroe, MD (General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics)
Six newly named Professors or Scholars were also announced:
- Bradley Allen, MD
D. Craig Brater Professor of Professionalism (Infectious Diseases) - Alexia Torke, MD
Walther Professor of Supportive Oncology (General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics) - Erik Imel, MD
J.O. Ritchey, MD Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) - Karen Liby, PhD
Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Professor of Hematology-Oncology - Michael Eadon, MD
David M. & Julie B. DeWitt Scholar in Nephrology Research (Nephrology) - Meena Madhur, MD, PhD
John B. Hickam Scholar in Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology)
Faculty and Residents who earned awards from the Indiana Chapter of the American College of Physicians:
Rachna Chaudhari, DO
Volunteerism Resident Award 2023
Sukwinder Singh, MD FACP
Volunteerism Award 2023
Adrian Singson, MD, FACP
Teaching and Mentorship 2023
Amy Johnson, DO
Outstanding Women Physician of the Year 2023
Neha Patel, MD
Outstanding Women Physician of the Year 2023
James M. Hotz, MD FACP
Alex Djuricich Outstanding Medical Educator Award 2023