Bright Days Ahead
Expanding EPOC’s Roadside Assistance program
EPOC’s Roadside Assistance program provides an operations center and process pipeline for immediate help when data-sharing failures occur. In 2021, there were 110 requests for assistance from organizations in 8 countries, 32 states, and 11 Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) jurisdictions. The majority of these engagements centered around data-transfer performance issues between two institutions, Science DMZ deployment reviews, and data architecture planning advice. In 2022, EPOC will expand this work to include proactive engagements with the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) and new NSF CC* program awardees. EPOC will also continue working with the TransPAC, NEA3R, and NetSage projects to identify poorly performing international data transfers and engage with end users and partner network operators along the path to improve end-to-end performance.