Perfect for Any Occasion
Tea has several reputations
And it’s elaborate– steeped in history and tradition
Regarding tea. It’s everywhere
Or isn’t when there’s coffee, ‘cause mostly it requires—patience, lots of patience
Right then, right now, black and green.
It’s been all over the world,
A renaissance man,
A Know-it-all.
It has slowly built many reputations
And the world is its client
Tea has had all the chances
And knows it, changing like a chameleon
That rich complexity in any situation,
As a friend the teapot sits
Bespeaking any country, in any century.
I tell you I know a little about a lot, a cup of tea might say,
Classy, and contemporary, and fine.
And you dress well, too, someone replies.
A full sip as it slips past the lips, all mmm, all good.
Tea lives a life of pleasure.
But then there is coffee.
The rival of tea. The one
Everyone could choose over tea
No coffee? I have to have my coffee! people say,
Shaking their heads instead and deciding
The drive-through at Starbucks will do.
But coffee has a long history, too.
They’re a world-traveler, a real renaissance man
They are sophisticated, too—
Coffee won’t get left behind.
Oh sure, everyone says they love coke or monster for their caffeine kick
But some things don’t change, brother—some things don’t change.
Their story goes on, of course.
The traditions continue—
Relaxing in comfort and having a chat
Having done their jobs well, for a very long time,
They loosen their bow-ties, smoking their pipe and cigar.
Everyone knows they’ve both put in their time.
Tea and coffee, like Sherlock and Moriarty, continue to serve entertainment,
At least another few pots together.