
Section 5: Treatment and Intervention

79 Educational Information:

Individualized Education Program (IEP)


The written plan that describes how the student will participate in the general education curriculum (if appropriate) and identifies the special education and related services that the school will provide to the student. Once the IEP is developed, the CCC must review the IEP at least one time each year and make changes to the IEP as needed.

IEP Development

According to Article 7, the following must be considered before developing the IEP. Some general factors would include:

  • The student’s strengths
  • The concerns of the parent(s) for improving the student’s education
  • The results of any recent educational evaluations or assessments
  • The student’s academic, developmental, communication and functional needs

Some special factors (when applicable) would include:

  • Positive supports and interventions when a student’s behavior affects his/her learning
  • Supports to provide school personnel with knowledge and skills to implement the student’s IEP
  • Language needs of a student with limited English proficiency
  • Instructional and communication needs for a student whose vision and/or hearing is impaired



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