Section 3: Available Supports

146 HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center

About HANDS in Autism

Providing quality training and resources since 2004


The Center provides innovative, research-based, and practical training and technical support to school staff, medical and service providers, primary caregivers, and individuals with ASD within Indiana and globally based upon the HANDS training model. This model is founded on the belief that training should focus on: individual strengths; comprehensive training; data driven decision making; blended evidence-based intervention strategies; and hands-on practice, coaching and mentoring with individuals with ASD as well as a range of other individuals with diverse strengths and challenges in their natural settings. HANDS negotiates a range of service contracts to suit consumer needs inclusive of interactive workshops, coaching and consultations, and intensive hands-on trainings. Customizable web-based trainings and consultations are also available. Much training occurs in or is presented with examples from work within natural settings, lending emphasis to practical use with increased feasibility, support of effective implementation or transfer of learning, and improved building of local capacity.


Individual and group educational, behavioral, and vocational programming services are available across the lifespan. Specific services related to post-secondary education and/or employment for evaluation, training and supported employment options are offered through HANDS as a vocational rehabilitation provider and/or through HANDSmade™ supportive employment internships in partnership with Riley Hospital for Children and IU Health Partners. HANDS enjoys a number of collaborations with the State for consultation, training, and/or leadership. Service is available through contract and/or fee for service options.


The HANDS in Autism® Center provides self-paced tutorials, webcasts and podcasts, how-to, and a number of downloadable materials to complement our training and service opportunities. In addition, handouts, brochures, DVDs, and other published resources are available in both English and Spanish to facilitate the sharing of information across systems and communities. Join our online forums and listservs to access current news and practical tips on implementing evidence-based strategies at home, classroom, medical, or work settings.

The Center focuses on identifying and meeting specific community needs as well as fostering collaboration and networking across systems; reciprocal sharing of information within and across communities, increased dissemination and awareness of resources and information, and increased training opportunities within, relevant to, and informed by the specific community.

Since 2010 HANDS has facilitated Local Community Cadres (LCCs) to bridge systems and perspectives in taking action in meeting community needs and building local capacity. FREE workshops and events are hosted each year including the popular Next Steps™ Workshops.


Learning experiences we offer are:

  • Evidence-based
  • Data-driven
  • Focused on individual strengths Interactive
  • Practical
  • Customizable
  • Immediately applicable
  • Built on existing professional knowledge
  • Supported in an ongoing manner after training
  • Expanded with supplemental materials and toolkits
  • Focused on building local capacity
  • Applicable across systems of support


Sign up for free regular newsletters to learn about news, events, and booster prompts on how to implement evidence-based practices at home, school, medical, and work settings. Also, be the first to know about complimentary downloadable resources made available on our website. Check out website for more information.


Interdisciplinary informational resources for use by professionals, families, peers, and community members in diverse settings to foster engagement and success of individuals with ASD. These resources can also be used for peer-to-peer training of professionals and families.


Self-paced on-demand online modules, webinars, podcasts, How-To and topic-specific videos on ASD, practical strategies, and other suggestions provide opportunities for professional development as well as for tools and supports.


Designed to be used by professionals and staff to assist with success in school, medical and other community settings as well as to be shared with families for use in the home and community.


Single and multi-day workshops available for families, educators, medical providers, and other professionals and community are available, including Next Steps™ Workshops for parents and communities, Annual HANDS in Autism® Art Expo, and Local Community Cadres (LCCs). Contract options available for web-based and onsite training on a range of customizable topics.


Compilation of setting-specific informational resources and practical strategies for professionals, families, peers, and community.


Our collection of downloadable resources and training is steadily growing. We offer regularly updated free downloads and annual membership subscriptions for professionals, peers, families, and communities that allow complete access to new and existing downloadable resources.

Learn more about HANDS


Next Steps Copyright © 2020 by Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.

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