
Section 5: Treatment and Intervention

80 What Must be Included in an IEP

Present levels of academic and functional skill performance:

This would include looking at their current skills and taking into consideration how the student’s disability affects the involvement in the general education curriculum.

Measurable goals that are expected to be reached in 12 months:

These goals are designed for academic and functional skill needs of the student. They are meant to address the student’s needs that are a result of the disability.

Information on how goal progress will be measured:

This will include information about the method of data collection and how often progress information will be relayed to the parents.

A description of the supports and services that will be provided:

Based on the student’s educational needs, services will be decided so that they can assist the student to achieve their goals, participate in the general education curriculum, extracurricular activities, and non-academic activities. There may also be related services, accommodations, or modifications needed and those would be included in the IEP. All of these supports and services must be assigned a date for beginning and ending, as well as the length, frequency, and location of each.

Information about the student’s participation in state and local assessments:

As these decisions are made, they must be based on the student’s expected educational outcomes using existing data. Statewide, most students will take the ISTEP, but those that have more significant cognitive disabilities will participate in ISTAR. Consequences of each should be discussed. Accommodations that are used regularly by the student may be used during assessment if decided appropriate by the CCC and approved by the IDOE.

Decision on the student’s need for extended school year services (ESY):

ESY will provide what supports and services are needed during the year throughout the summer.

Identification of placement in the student’s least restrictive environment (LRE):

Decisions will be made on the best location for services to be provided. For example, will the student be in a general education classroom and receive all their services in that environment or be pulled to another location for some services?

Transfer of rights information:

Parents of students who are 17 during the current IEP must be informed of the fact that when the student turns 18, parental rights will transfer to the student.

Written notes:

This section may blend required components and necessary details such as date and purpose of the meeting, names and titles of participants, issues discussed, rationale for decisions made during the meeting, and any other relevant notes.


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