Section 3: Available Supports
140 Indiana Resource Center for Autism
What They Do:
- Develop and distribute written and video materials; some are free or available on the web while others are for purchase only
- Create and distribute their free newsletter 3 times a year
- Conduct regional and statewide trainings on a variety of topics for a variety of people
- Organize training events that involve nationally recognized speakers
- Conduct research on strategies and policies that will enhance the quality of life for individuals with ASD
- Share information in a variety of forms such as answering individual requests, maintaining a library collection of books and videos for the public, and producing written and video materials.
- Keep an up-to-date website for families and professionals. The site includes information on resources in the state, articles written by staff members, and upcoming training events.
- Intense training for teams of local special educators and provide ongoing support for those teams
- Individual consultations are done by observing the individual and collaborating with families to suggest appropriate services and supports
- In association with Indiana University, they also teach certain courses as well as individual lectures
- Utilize a listserv forum for anyone interested in collaborating on topics within the Autism Spectrum Disorder
- IRCA staff members serve on various boards in national/state/ local organizations as well as in a volunteer capacity.
What They Don’t Do:
- Individuals with autism do not reside or attend any programming provided at the agency
- Staff do not attend case conferences, conduct formal assessments, evaluations or testing, or provide diagnostic services. However, IRCA does have some professionals that can diagnose and assess.
- IRCA does not provide funding or financial assistance to anyone
- They do not promote one intervention method or a single approach
iRCA -Indiana Resource Center for Autism
2853 E 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408