
Section 5: Treatment and Intervention

174 Response to Instruction/Response to Intervention (RtI)   

For those with ASD, school can oftentimes be difficult because of struggles in general instruction. Individuals with ASD will sometimes have special educational and instructional needs that are different than those of their peers because of how they process information and interact with others. As a result, specific instruction may be necessary for those individuals. If special instruction is not deemed necessary, this instruction can be provided within general education through a process known as Response to Instruction (RtI).

Response to Instruction (RtI) is an initiative by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to better serve students and is also reflected in both state and federal initiatives and acts. RtI is a systematic process that aims to meet the needs of all students through professional accountability. This is accomplished through continual change and adaptation of instruction to meet the individual needs of every student.

Therefore, the three primary goals within RtI include:

  1. delivery of scientific, research-based core curriculum and instruction,
  2. ongoing monitoring of student data to assess the effectiveness of instruction,
  3. determination and delivery of targeted and intensive individualized student supports.

Furthermore, RtI is a response from the instructors to how appropriate their instruction is for their students, and making the appropriate instructional changes based on students’ performance.

Response to Intervention tiersRtI provides a framework for delivering the necessary instruction to students K-12. This framework is structured into a three-tiered model, with each tier having smooth shifts from one to the next. Each tier is designed so that an appropriate level of instructional support can be provided.

  • Tier 1 is designed for all learners with approximately 80% of students receiving instruction at this level.
  • Tier 2 is designed for more targeted approaches in instruction for those who have more needs in specific areas of the core curriculum.
  • Tier 3 is designed for more intensive instructional needs, and therefore, is overt, intense, and specifically-designed instruction to meet learners’ specific needs


Indiana Department of Education. Response to Instruction (RtI): Foundations for Implementation. Obtained online at: http://www.doe.in.gov/rti/docs/RtI_Guidance_Document.pdf


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