
Section 6: Practical Strategies across Settings

86 Stoplight and Countdown Boards

Stop light boardStoplights and countdown boards are simple ways to help structure undefined periods of time (i.e., when it is unclear how long an activity will last). The colors on the stoplight and the numbers on the countdown boards indicate time passing. In either strategy, the caregiver manipulates the board, reflecting the passage of time. As time passes, the caregiver takes off (countdown board), or puts on (stoplight), the appropriate cards (one at a time) remarking “we’re counting down” or “we’re almost finished”/”we’re finished” respectively as progressing until the final card is manipulated and the activity is over.

For example, if the individual is engaged in an activity where 5 tasks are expected (e.g., five more problems to complete, five more bites of food), the caregiver can remove the number 5 on the countdown board after the first part is completed. As each successive task is completed, the other numbers are removed until only “finished” remains. If the task is set for an undetermined amount of time, either the  stoplight or countdown can be used.  If using the stoplight, the green light icon is placed on at the beginning of the activity with remark “we’re getting started”, indicating the time to begin. When part way through the timeframe for an activity (the precise amount of time between intervals is flexible and under the caregiver’s discretion), the yellow light icon is added to  indicate “almost finished” and prepare the individual for a transition.

When it is time for the activity to stop, the red light icon “finished” is placed with the expectation that the individual will suspend work on the activity, whether fully completed with the task or not.  The countdown board can similarly be utilized for the passing of time (vs. of concrete steps or counts) with each number reflecting a period of time and enabling more frequent opportunity for cueing the individual on the progression of time provided the 5 numbers vs. 3 colored icons.

count down boardHere are a few examples of places and activities where a stoplight or countdown board can be helpful:


  • Waiting for the school bus
  • Shopping at the grocery store


  • Attending an assembly
  • Playing during unstructured time
  • Number of math problems to complete


  • Waiting to clock in
  • Number of packets to assemble


  • Waiting in the lobby
  • Holding still for procedure


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