Section 5: Treatment and Intervention

160 Use of an Evidence-Based Classification System

The National Autism Center (NAC) at May Institute conducted the National Standards Project in 2009 (and updated in 2015 )  to provide consumers with comprehensive information with which to base decisions about the merits of educational and behavioral interventions that are currently available for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research was systematically and comprehensively reviewed by experts in the field and the treatment information was then divided into categories based on the level of scientific evidence that supports each. The following is based on the NAC Report and summarizes the intervention names under each of three categories reflective of the level of scientific evidence associated with each: established, emerging, and unestablished.

Review the full NAC reports for all phases.

The full EPB reports, which have generally the same findings.


Sufficient scientific evidence is available from controlled studies to confidently determine that a intervention produces beneficial treatment effects for individuals with ASD. That is, these interventions are established as effective.

  • Antecedent Package
  • Behavioral Package
  • Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment for Young Children
  • Joint Attention Intervention
  • Modeling
  • Naturalistic Teaching Strategies
  • Peer Training Package
  • Pivotal Response Treatment
  • Schedules
  • Self-management
  • Story-based Intervention Package


Although one or more studies suggest that a treatment produces beneficial intervention effects for individuals with ASD, additional high quality studies must consistently show this outcome before we can draw firm conclusions about intervention effectiveness.

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device
  • Cognitive Behavioral Intervention
  • Developmental Relationship-based Treatment
  • Exercise
  • Exposure Package
  • Imitation-based Interaction
  • Initiation Training
  • Language Training (Production)
  • Language Training (Production & Understanding)
  • Massage/Touch Therapy
  • Multi-component Package
  • Music Therapy
  • Peer-mediated Instructional Arrangement
  • Picture Exchange Communication System
  • Reductive Package
  • Scripting
  • Sign Instruction
  • Social Communication Intervention
  • Social Skills Package
  • Structured Teaching
  • Technology-based Treatment
  • Theory of Mind Training


There is little or no evidence to allow us to draw firm conclusions about treatment effectiveness with individuals with ASD. Additional research may be needed as to how the intervention to be effective, ineffective, or harmful.

  • Academic Interventions
  • Auditory Integration Training
  • Facilitated Communication
  • Gluten- and Casein-Free Diet
  • Sensory Integrative Package


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