6 Cardiovascular Introduction and H&P
Rania Abbasi, MD
Goals and Objectives
Fellows will gain appropriate knowledge of the pediatric cardiovascular system and develop a systematic comprehension of the various forms of congenital heart disease. Skills for the preoperative evaluation of patients presenting for cardiac surgery, including exposure to echocardiography, will be developed. Mastery of the essentials of patient monitoring and of appropriate pre-bypass, bypass, and post-bypass anesthetic management will be emphasized.
Basic Duties
- Perform preoperative evaluations of patients presenting for cardiovascular surgery and report findings to the attending staff
- Develop an intraoperative anesthetic plan for each patient and discuss this with attending staff
- Provide appropriate pre-bypass, bypass, and post-bypass anesthetic management
- Provide appropriate anesthetic management for closed-heart surgical procedures
Conferences – CVICU conference room – when schedule allows
- ECHO conference – every Monday 7:30am
- Cath conference – every Friday 7:00am
- CV M&M – one Tuesday per month 4pm
- Remind CCAT attending the night before
Day to Day Routine
Night before case – Preop H&P
- See patient if INPT
- Formulate anesthetic plan, discuss with CCAT attending
- Order drips in Cerner – discuss which ones with CCAT attending
Day of case
- Arrive 6am to set up room – see case checklist
- See patient early, write for premedication by 6:30am
- If INPT, get preop handoff from CVICU attending between 6:45-7am
Past Medical History
- Cardiac most important
- Type of CHD – at birth and currently
- Past surgeries
- h/o ECMO, arrests, dysrhythmias, other complications
- Exercise tolerance
- Baseline sats
- O2 use
- Home meds/anticoagulation
- h/o vessel thromboses
- Current overall status
- All other system pertinent findings – especially pulm/neuro/heme
Past Surgical History
- Include date, location
- If shunt present, note which side
Past Anesthetic History
- Prior need for premedication?
- Mask airway
- Intubation grade, ETT size
- Complications
Lines and Access
- Type and location
- What is going through each lumen? Which lumen is available for use?
- Are the lines functional? Can you draw back?
- How long has it been in place?
Medications and Allergies
- Inotropes, including dose
- Cardiac medications
- Sedation and analgesics
- Antibiotics – indication? Next dose due?
- ECHO – date, findings
- Cath report – date, findings
- Labs
- Other
Recommended initial readings – more provided upon request
- D’Souza. Intro to Congenital Heart Disease. http://www2.ccasociety.org/education/IntroToCHD.pdf
- Andropoulos. Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease – available in Riley anesthesia library
- Wilkinson, JL. Hemodynamic calculations in the catheter laboratory. Heart 2001;85: 13-120. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1729580/pdf/v085p00113.pdf
- CCAS lecture series – access upon membership http://www.ccasociety.org/education/lectures/
2019 R. Abbassi