As a student at Indiana University, you have access to books at any of our campus libraries. To see what books are available, you would use IUCAT, our library catalog. This short video explains how the catalog works.
If you prefer to read the transcript of the video, click here.
A Few More Things About IUCAT and Locating Books in our Collection
The video above does a nice job of providing an overview of limiters and getting into IUCAT records, but there a few other things to keep in mind when using IUCAT. One is to take a close look at the date, table of contents (if provided) and the publisher. Click on this link to an IUCAT record. This book on AI in education is from 2023, which seems pretty current, but this topic is changing fast, so it might be out of date in a year or two. You will see that it includes the titles of chapters, which will help you determine if this book will meet your needs. It also provides a summary of the book. Also, notice the publisher, in this case Blend Education Publishing. If you google this company, you can read in their mission statement that they focus on K-12 education, so, if you were looking for something focused more on college education, this might not be the book to use.
In the previous chapter, the Library of Congress Call number system was described. If you find a print book in IUCAT, you can check the letter of the call number to see which floor to go to the get the book. Our circulating collection is on floors 3, 4, & 5. The maps below provide more detail. You can also find these maps on our website, where you view larger versions of the maps.

As the IUCAT video mentioned, eBooks can also be found in IUCAT. If you are only wanting to look for eBooks, the library has many eBook collections that you can search. A couple of the more popular eBook databases are:
Interlibrary Loan
While Indiana University is one of the largest library collections in the world, there will be times when it does not have a book or article that you need. That is where Interlibrary Loan is here to help. Interlibrary loan is a free service that accesses books and articles from other libraries and shares them with you. Watch this short video from Interlibrary Loan Supervisor Maureen Kennedy as she explains the process. You can create an account here.
If you prefer to read the transcript of the video, click here.
“IUCAT” video courtesy of Jane Bomkamp. CC-BY-SA.
“A Few More Things…eBooks & Interlibrary Loan” by IU South Bend Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
“Interlibrary Loan” video courtesy of IU South Bend Libraries.