There are times when you will be asked to find articles for your research. Instead of using the web or Google Scholar, you will be asked to go to our library databases.

If you click on the articles tab on the library homepage, you will have the option to search Academic Search Complete. This is a good general database that covers a variety of disciplines. this 4-minute tutorial provides a good overview of how to use the database.
If you prefer to read, click on the CC option for the video. or read the transcript here.
There are times when you will be looking for more specialized information related to your major. Our library has over 500 databases, and it can be overwhelming to look at the A to Z list. Our subject librarians have created subject guides with recommended databases for each major. Take a moment to look up the subject guide for your major and note who your subject librarian is. He or she can be a valuable resource for you as you go through college.
“Academic Databases and Subject Guides” by IU South Bend Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
“Introduction to EbscoHost” YouTube. Uploaded by Ebsco Tutorials 20 April 2022