
Breakfast Recipes


whole grain farro and fruit bowl
Breakfast Bowl


The importance of breakfast has been highlighted in recent literature due to some associations with better weight controland also emerging evidence stating that putting larger amounts of the daily food requirements helps to shift circadian clock gene expression which aids in blood sugar control and calorie burning efficiency.2,3  Choosing a breakfast high in fiber and antioxidants helps support good health and prevents disease development risks.4,5



Breakfast Recipes

The recipes in this section are designed to include whole foods.


Choosing a High Fiber, Plant-Based, High Antioxidant Breakfast

High Fiber

Choosing higher fiber foods has benefits for health such as lowering total cholesterol, helping to maintain a good blood sugar, aiding in bowel motility, and providing prebiotics to help contribute to a good microbiome.  It is recommended that we get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.  If an individual chooses a whole foods, plant-based diet, this is very easy to do.  Foods high in fiber include whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

Plant-Based Foods

Foods which would be good candidates for breakfast and follow the plant-based approach include the following:

image    Fruits and Vegetables

image    Whole grain cereals

image    Nuts and Seeds

image    Plant-Based Yogurts

High Antioxidant Foods

High antioxidant foods include herbs, spices, green tea, dark chocolate, fruits, and some vegetables.





1. Jakubowicz D, Wainstein J, Tsameret S, Landau Z. Role of High Energy Breakfast “Big Breakfast Diet” in Clock Gene Regulation of Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes. Nutrients. 2021;13(5):1558.

2. Kim JY. Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2021;30(1):20-31.

3. McHill AW, Phillips AJ, Czeisler CA, et al. Later circadian timing of food intake is associated with increased body fat. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017;106(5):1213-1219.

4. Deledda A, Annunziata G, Tenore GC, Palmas V, Manzin A, Velluzzi F. Diet-Derived Antioxidants and Their Role in Inflammation, Obesity and Gut Microbiota Modulation. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10(5):708.

5. Meccariello R, D’Angelo S. Impact of Polyphenolic-Food on Longevity: An Elixir of Life. An Overview. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10(4):507.