30 Versioning History

This page provides a record of edits and changes made to this book since its initial publication in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection. Whenever edits or updates are made, we make the required changes in the text and provide a record and description of those changes here. If the change is minor, the version number increases by 0.1. However, if the edits involve substantial updates, the version number goes up to the next full number. The files on our website always reflect the most recent version, including the print-on-demand copy.

If you find an error in this book, please fill out the Report an Open Textbook Error form. We will contact the author, make the necessary changes, and replace all file types as soon as possible. Once we have updated the files, this Versioning History page will be updated to reflect the edits made.

Version Date Change Details
1.1 September 15, 2014 Book added to the BC Open Textbook Collection.
1.2 September 17/15 Typos in the Conversion of Units section (pp 52-60).

Division sign missing in all examples in the PDF of text.

Corrections made.
1.3 May 15, 2017 Links to videos updated.

New file types added: digital .pdf and .odt files.

The updated videos are:

  • Chapter 1: Some Basic Definitions – “The Chemical World”
  • Chapter 2: Significant Figures – “Significant Figures”
  • Chapter 2: Converting Units – “Unit Conversion”
  • Chapter 5: Stoichiometry – “Stoichiometry”
  • Chapter 6: Molecular Effusion and Diffusion – “Diffusion”
  • Chapter 12: Acid-Base Titrations – “Titrations”
1.4 January 30, 2019 Error fixes and updated metadata. Chapter: Hydrocarbons

  • Image showing the Lewis structure for but-2-yne: Removed the two hydrogen atoms from the third carbon atom.

Chapter: Branched Hydrocarbons

  • A molecule was incorrectly labelled as 3-phenylheptane. It was corrected to 4-phenylheptane.
  • The label of the image in Answer 17 was corrected to say “3-methylheptane”


  • Updated copyright information and metadata based on BCcampus standards and Pressbooks updates.
  • Edited the About the book chapter to provide up-to-date information.

Known Issues

In the PDF files for this book, there are a few symbols that do not display properly and are replaced with a question mark (?). This is a known issue, and we are working on getting it fixed. Below is a list of these characters and their locations:

PDF page number What it looks like What it should look like
220 2 c pancake mix ? 1 egg ? 1/2 cup milk
253 2 mol of C2H6 ? 7 mol of O2 ? 4 mol of CO2 ? 6 mol of H2O  
362 C5H12 + ?2 → 5CO2 + 6H2O; 4.4 mol C5H12 + O82 → 5CO2 + 6H2O; 4.4 mol
620 q?m × ΔT
688 HC2H3O2 ? H+(aq) + C2H3O2(aq)  HC2H3O H+(aq) + C2H3O2(aq)
759 H2(g) + Cl2(g) ? 2HCl(g) H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2HCl(g)
910 C4H9Br ? C4H9+ + Br 

C4H9+ + H2O ? C4H8 + H3O+

C4H9Br  C4H9+ + Br 

C4H9+ + H2 C4H8 + H3O+

937 ΔS? = ∑nS?(products) – ∑mS?(reactants)
948 ΔG?



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Concepts of Biology-1st Canadian Edition Copyright © 2015 by Charles Molnar and Jane Gair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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