
2 Страны и языки / Countries and Languages

Страны и языки

Countries and Languages

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Упражнение 1, Часть 1:
Can-do statements

I can identify some basic facts about regions and languages listening to interviews with Russian native speakers.

Упражнение 1:

two speech bubbles, black and white Часть 1: На каких языках там говорят?


1) Communication. Interpretive Communication

What do you know about languages that Russian-speaking people use in their daily life? Let’s find out together what languages school students from Tatarstan know.

  1. Watch the first part of the linked video (00: 00-00: 15) and compare the photos of students with the regions in which they live.
  2. What do you think are the native languages of these folks?
  3. Listen to the second part of the video (00: 15-00:53) and write down the languages spoken by the students.

View the video transcript here.

Часть 2: А какие языки вы знаете?

Упражнение 1, Часть 2: Can-do statements

I can provide information by answering a few simple questions from my teacher or my classmates.


1) Comparisons: Cultural Comparisons

2) Connections: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspective

3) Communication: Interpersonal Communication

Now, you are probably curious what languages your classmates know. 

Conduct a short interview among your classmates asking the following questions:

  1. На каких языках ты говоришь? (по-английски, по-испански, по-русски, по-немецки, по-китайски и другое ___________)
  2. Откуда ты знаешь этот язык? (Мои родители говорят дома по-___________. Мои бабушка и дедушка говорят по-_____________. Я учил этот язык в школе. Другое ___________)

Make a short summary in groups (in Russian or in English) about what factors contribute to languages spoken in the class. Present your findings to the whole group. 

  1. Use this linked worksheet to record your findings.

Упражнение 2:

kazakh flag in a map marker А на каких ещё языках там говорят?

Упражнение 2: Can-do statements

I can request and provide information regarding nationality and language by asking and answering a few simple questions.


1) Communication. Interpersonal Communication

Watch the linked video and write down the names of the languages that the respondents know.

Watch the video again and match the photo of the speaker with the language they speak.

  • Use the model: He / She speaks English.


Упражнение 3:

people on the world wearing many colors Ты любишь карты?

Упражнение 3: Can-do statements

I can name the official languages of the former countries of the Soviet Union.


1) Communication: Interpretive Communication and Interpersonal Communication

2) Cultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

Let’s learn more about the former Soviet states. What status does the Russian language have now? Do people still speak Russian there?

  1. Working with the linked interactive map: ask and answer the following questions.
    1. Какой статус у русского языка в ___________ (place)
    2. Какой официальный язык в ___________ (place)?
    3. А какой государственный язык в ___________ (place)?

Упражнение 4:

 Посмотрите документы

Упражнение 4: Can-do statements

I can build simple sentences to provide the information about languages and regions in which they are popular


1) Communication: Interpersonal Communication

You just got off the plane and are filling out your customs form. A fellow passenger asks you why some official documents are in Russian, while others are not?

  1. Answer this passenger’s questions by rearranging the jumbled sentences linked here.

Упражнение 5:

Учим языки в школе

Какой язык учите в школе? What languages are taught in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Uzbekistan at schools? What can we say about their other coursework?


1) Communication: Interpretive Communication and Interpersonal Communication

2) Cultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

Упражнение 5: Can-do statements

I can identify what languages students learn in different Russian-speaking countries and regions from their school schedules.


  1. Answer the multiple choice questions associated with the students’ schedules. Make note of what classes students in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine take.
    1. Расписания студентов Казахстана
    2. Расписание экзаменов белорусских студентов
    3. Расписания студентов Узбекистана



Russian language speaker with a green shirt Active Vocabulary

азербайджа́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-азербайджански – Azeri, in Azerbaijani
армя́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-армя́нски – Armenian, in Armenian
башки́рский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-башки́рски – Bashkir, in Bashkir
белору́сский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-белору́сски – Belarusian, in Belarusian
грузи́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-грузи́нски – Georgian, in Georgian
казáхский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-казáхски – Kazakh, in Kazakh
кирги́зский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-кирги́зски – Kyrgyz, in Kyrgyz
ко́ми – Komi
ру́сский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-ру́сски – Russian, in Russian
таджи́кский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-таджи́кски – Tajik, in Tajik
тата́рский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-тата́рски – Tatar, in Tatar
туркме́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-туркме́нски – Turkmen, in Turkmen
узбе́кский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-узбе́кски – Uzbek, in Uzbek
украи́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-украи́нски – Ukrainian, in Ukrainian
чече́нский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-чече́нски – Chechen, in Chechen
чувáшский (-ая/-ое-ие), по-чувáшски – Chuvash, in Chuvash

Азербайджáн (Азербайджáнская респу́блика) – Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan)
Арме́ния (Респу́блика Арме́ния) – Armenia (Republic of Armenia)
Башки́рия (Респу́блика Башкортостáн – регио́н Росси́и) – Bashkiria (Republic of Bashkortostan – region of the Russian Federation)
Белору́ссия (Респу́блика Белару́сь) – Belarus (Republic of Belarus)
Гру́зия – Georgia
Евре́йская автоно́мная о́бласть – Jewish Autonomous Republic
Казахстáн (Респу́блика Казахстáн) – Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Кирги́зия (Кирги́зская респу́блика) – Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic)
Таджикистáн (Респу́блика Таджикистáн) – Tajikistan (Republic of Tajikistan)
Татарстáн (Респу́блика Татарстáн – регио́н Росси́и) – Tatarstan (Republic of Tatarstan – region of the Russian Federation)
Туркме́ния (Туркменистáн) – Turkmenistan
Узбекистáн (Респу́блика Узбекистáн) – Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan)
Украи́на – Ukraine
Чечня́ (Чече́нская респу́блика – регио́н Росси́и) – Chechnya (Chechen Republic – region of the Russian Federation)
Чувáшия (Чувáшская респу́блика) – Chuvash (Chuvash Republic)
говори́ть (я говорю, ты говоришь, они говорят) – to talk
госудáрственный язы́к – state language
жи́ть (где? + Prep.) я живу́, ты живёшь, они живу́т (жил, жилá, жи́ли) – to live
из + Gen. – from (somewhere)
отку́да? – From where?
официáльный язы́к – official language
расписáние – schedule
регио́н (субъе́кт) – region (subject)
pоди́ться (где? + Prep.) он роди́лся, она родилáсь, они родили́сь – to be born (where? + prep.)

Additional resources

  1. Use the linked map to test your knowledge. Who is in the picture? Who lives in the region?  – you can use the map to test your knowledge.
  2. What foreign languages would English-speaking people like to learn? Watch the linked video, which has both Russian and English subtitles.

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Icons made by Eucalyp from www.flaticon.com


Russian Language Diversity Materials Copyright © by martrott. All Rights Reserved.