
9 Учительский уголок / Teacher’s Corner

Teacher’s Corner

View each activity’s length below.

Имена и национальности / Names and Nationalities

Упражнение 1

Part 1

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the conjugation of the verb жить and a prepositional case when responding to the questions Кто живёт в …? Где живёт …?

The Wordwall activity can be assigned as an individual task for each student or you can display it on the large screen in class and ask students to say the correct names, using the model “Самира и Карим живут в Татарстане.”

Time: The activity takes 10-12 minutes

Part 2

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the prepositional case for nouns and adjectives so they can respond to the question Где и какие имена популярны? (e.g. в Санкт-Петербурге, в Томской области, в Пензе).

The activity on Wordwall can be assigned as an individual assignment for each student or you can check it together as an in-class activity.  Then, you can use the model: Где живёт Самира? – Самира живёт в Татарстане.

Time: The activity takes 8-10 minutes.


Упражнение 2

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the vocabulary for a popular name, a rare name, and a short name. They also should also distinguish between the singular and the plural forms of the word имя (имена). If using in class, play the video at least 2-3 times (from 0:38 min. until 1:16 min.).

Time: 10-12 minutes

Упражнение 3

Часть 1

Activity Details

Split students in small groups and assign them different origins of Tatar names.  To complete this task, students should follow the models, provided by you “Самые популярные (мужские, женские) имена в Татарстане из тюркского происхождения –…,” “Мне нравится женское/мужское имя ….”  Provide them with a graphic organizer.

As an alternative, you can offer all your students work on Bashkir names https://statusname.ru/catalog/imya-raznykh-narodov-i-natsionalnostey-m/bashkirskoe-imya/

or Buryat names https://statusname.ru/catalog/imya-raznykh-narodov-i-natsionalnostey-m/buryatskoe-imya/.
You can also assign different regional names to different groups to work on them simultaneously — Tatar, Buryat, and Bashkir. Make sure to tell your students the origins of the names (can be found in the text of the article).

Time: The activity takes 10-15 minutes.

Часть 2

Activity Details

You may use this activity as a final project at the end of the unit or chapter on travelling around Russia. This can be assigned as a homework assignment or completed in class in 2 class sessions.

Упражнение 4

Activity Details

For students to complete this activity, they need to know how to say “Его/её зовут….”  They should also know Prepositional Case in order to construct a question and to respond to the question “– Твой человек живёт в Волгограде? – Нет, мой человек не живёт в Волгограде.” They should be able to use the negation when responding to the question “Нет, мой человек не живёт в Волгограде.” Students can either do the guessing game in pairs or the entire group can take turns and guess one another’s name that they have picked from the map.

Time: 15-17 minutes

Упражнение 5

Activity Details

For students to complete this activity, they need to review the parts of the world and be able to use them with Prepositional Case (на севере России, на юге России).  For novice-high and intermediate-low students, you may suggest using also “на северо-западе, юго-востоке,” etc.  You can add another task if students are familiar with Genitive Plural.  They can look at the numbers of ethnic groups and respond to the questions: “Сколько калмыков живёт в Республике Калмыкия? А сколько русских живёт там?” The students will need to review numbers (hundreds, thousands, etc.) or use много, мало, немного.

You may offer your students to use graphic organizers to collect and organize the information about their region.

Time: The activity takes 12-15 minutes (+5 additional minutes for an extra task).

Упражнение 6

Часть 1

Activity Details

For students to complete this activity, they need to know Prepositional Case (в Якутии/в Республике Саха) and understand the concept of plural number for nouns (татары, украинцы, эвенки).

Time: The activity takes 10 minutes.

Часть 2

Students may deliver this oral presentation either in class or it can be assigned as a homework assignment and be recorded on Flipgrid.com, or other video-sharing platforms.  You need to remind students about the rule for nouns after numbers 1, 2/3/4,  and 5+.

The preparation (and recording on Flipgrid) for the presentation may also be  completed in class in 1-2 class sessions. You may use a graphic organizer for students to fill out while doing research.

Страны и языки / Countries and Languages

Кухни народов мира / World Cuisines

Упражнение 1

Часть 1

Activity Details

To complete this task, students should know the Accusative case.

Time: It takes 5-6 minutes + 4 minutes to discuss the questions.

You can complicate the task by using the following model as a sample:

Горожане едят больше мяса, чем селяне.

To do this, students will need to use the Genitive Case.

It takes 5-6 minutes + 4 minutes to discuss the questions.

Worksheets and Resources

Access the online categorization exercise below:

Access the questions worksheet for after students read the text.

Часть 2

Activity Details

To complete this task, students should know the Genitive case (the minimum is the singular number of nouns). Remind them of the rule (1, 2-4, 0, 5-).

Time: The activity takes 7-10 minutes.

Упражнение 2

Activity Details

As a homework assignment, students receive a list of popular продукты in different regions of Russia. They should open an interactive map and write down in which areas these продукты are popular. In the classroom, the teacher hands out cards with signed images of these продукты. The teacher says a word (a vegetable or fruit). The student who has a card with this vegetable or fruit names the regions and one dish that is prepared from it with its English translation.

To complete this task, students should know the Prepositional case. Also, it would be better to give the task when they are familiar with the Genitive case as well.

Access the worksheet that goes along with the regional food exercise.

Access the Russian-language instructions for this exercise.

Time: Practicing words at home – 15 minutes; Watching a video manual – 2 minutes; Working with the map (search for regions, write down the places, google dishes) – 25 minutes; In class: 10 min. (vocabulary warm-up with cards, regions and dishes).

Упражнение 3

Activity Details

To complete this task, students should know the Accusative case (the minimum is the singular number of nouns) and names of food products. Also, they will need to practice words in a new Quizlet. Both parts of the task can be completed at home.

Find the worksheet with the 2 questions here.

Find the recipe-writing worksheet here.


Task 3. Part 1. With learning words around 25 minutes

Task 3. Part 2. 10-15 minutes

Упражнение 4

Часть 1

Activity Details

To complete this task, students should know the Accusative case (the minimum is the singular number of nouns) and names of food products.

Time: It takes 5 minutes to complete the first part of task 4.

Find the Eastern Bazaar questions here.

Часть 2

Activity Details:

To complete this task, students should know names of food products, including the following ones: сыр, масло сливочное, масло подсолнечное, мясо. It will take 3-4 minutes to complete the video-watching. If you want to complicate the task a little, you can practice constructions with “there is no/ there are no” and the genitive case.

Time: Task 3. Part 2. 10-15 minutes.

Find the bazaar vocabulary here.

Use this worksheet to draw the products corresponding to their name in Russian.



Гуляем по городу / Exploring the City

Упражнение 1

Часть 1

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the vocabulary for the city and the things that one can do in the city (shopping, walking, resting, reading, eating out, etc.).  The activity can be modified to incorporate the Accusative case.  Then, the questions can be modified into “– Что ты видишь? — Я вижу ресторан.  — Что там можно делать?  — Там можно обедать или ужинать.”

Time: The activity takes 15-20 minutes.

Часть 2

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the vocabulary for the city and the constructions with modal verbs можно as well as with the verb мочь.  Remind them the rule for 1, 2/3/4, and 5+ with nouns.  They will also need to know some prefixed verbs of motions– перейти (улицу), войти (в магазин), выйти (из торгового центра).  They need to know the Genitive case for negation to explain the reason (нет пандуса, нет светофора, нет скамейки, нет пешеходного перехода).

You might draw students attention to the proper use of words and expressions for specific groups of people, using the following online resource:

Time: The activity will take 15-20 minutes.

Часть 3

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the vocabulary for the city and the constructions with a modal verb можно (мне можно идти/ехать, мне можно перейти, etc.) as well as with the verb мочь (я могу войти в…).  Remind them the rule for 1, 2/3/4, and 5+ with nouns.  They will also need to know some prefixed verbs of motions– перейти (улицу), войти (в магазин), выйти (из торгового центра).

Time: The activity will take 15-20 minutes.

Часть 4

Activity Details

For this activity, students should review the vocabulary for the city and need to know the constructions with modal verbs нужно, надо (Нужно построить светофоры для незрячих. Надо сделать полосу для велосипедистов).  They should also know the Genitive case for  plural nouns and adjectives with the preposition для (для незрячих, для людей на коляске).  You may simplify the task and ask them to use Genitive Singular instead — для незрячего человека, для человека на коляске, etc.). The activity will take 1 class session for research and data collection and 1 class session for organization and creation.  It can also be assigned as a homework assignment, with some class time assigned for brainstorming with a group, and, later, for in-class presentation of the project. These projects can be completed and displayed digitally, using online platforms for image editing and infographic creation: Canva, Picmonkey, Picktochart, Venngage, etc.


Упражнение 2

Часть 1

Activity Details

For this activity, students can work in small groups, in pairs, or individually.  The activity on Wordwall can be assigned to each group or you can display on on a large screen and check it together as an in-class activity.  Then, you can use the model: The activity takes 12-15 minutes.

Часть 2

Activity Details

For this activity, students should know the vocabulary for the city, the Prepositional case “на улице, в мечети, в храме, в музее, etc.”  They should also review the vocabulary and the definition for the specific sightseeing in Kazan. The activity will take 1 class session for preparation and data collection and 1 class session for organization and recording a presentation or presenting in class.  It can also be assigned as a homework assignment, with some class time assigned for brainstorming with a group, and, later, for in-class presentation of the project.

Ритуалы и традиции / Rituals and Traditions

Карьера нашей мечты / Our Dream Career

Природа и погода в СНГ / Nature and Weather in the CIS

Хобби и интересы / Hobbies and Interests


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