
3 Кухни народов мира / World Cuisines

Кухни народов мира

World Cuisines

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Упражнение 1, Часть 1:
Can-do statements

I can present information about what people in Ukraine eat and drink, depending on their place of residence and their income.

Упражнение 1:

Часть 1: В гостях у украинцев


1) Cultures. Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

2) Connections. Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspective

3) Communication. Interpretive Communication

You are invited as a guest to visit two Ukrainian families: your host family lives in a big city (Киев, Харьков, Одесса или Днепр), the rest of the family lives in the country. You will have dinner with them and compare what they eat and drink.

  1. Read the part of the article that describes what Ukrainians who live in the city and in the country eat and drink.
  2. Fill in the table below by moving the product photos depending on where this product is most often consumed. Comment on your actions using the words чаще (more often) / рeже (less often). Write 4-5 sentences similar to the example.

Например: Горожане в Украине едят мясо чаще, чем селяне.

Click here to view the interactive drag-and-drop activity.
Горожане в Украине Селяне в Украине

Вопросы после текста

  1. Как вы думаете, почему селяне едят картофель и овощи чаще, чем горожане?
  2. Как вы думаете, почему горожане пьют молоко чаще, чем селяне?
  3. Как вы думаете, эта статистика похожа на статистику в США? (they can discuss it in English)

Часть 2: В гостях в Казахстане

Упражнение 1, Часть 2: Can-do statements

I can present information about what people in Kazakhstan eat and drink, depending on their place of residence and their income.


1) Cultures. Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

2) Connections. Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspective

3) Communication. Interpretive Communication

You are invited as a guest to visit two Kazakh families: your host family lives in a big city (Алма-Ата, Нур-Султан, Шымкент или Актобе), the rest of the family lives in the country. You will have dinner with them and can compare what they eat and drink.

  1. Read the infographic and tell us how many and what foods are eaten by well-off and low-income people from Kazakhstan.
  2. Tell us how many and what foods are eaten by well-off and low-income people from Kazakhstan.
  3. Say the whole numbers out loud in Russian. Use the correct form of the word “kilogram.”

Например: Обеспеченные казахстанцы едят 28 килограммов хлеба.

Упражнение 2: Что люди едят в разных регионах России?

Упражнение 2: Can-do statements

I can name popular products found in different regions of Russia and the dishes that can be prepared from them.


1) Cultures. Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

2) Communication. Interpretive Communication

This is a task you do at home. Read, listen, and repeat the words. 

Please find the vocabulary words here.

Продукты, характерные для разных регионов России

  1. Open the interactive map of Russian regions and find the regions where “эти продукты” are popular from your word list. Write them out.
  2. Audio Instruction: Access the Russian-language instructions for this exercise.
  3. Look at the dish that can be prepared using those ingredients. Write down the names of the dishes and find their translation in a dictionary.

Например: Россияне любят готовить блюда из абрикоса в Ростовской области. Они делают варенье из абрикосов. Варенье – это jam.

Упражнение 3:

Часть 1: Готовим плов.

Упражнение 3, Часть 1: Can-do statements

I can explain how to cook some Uzbek national dishes.


1) Cultures. Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives

2) Comparisons. Cultural Comparisons

What was the most interesting dish you have ever tried? Have you ever cooked any dishes from a different cuisine? Let’s imagine that we are cooking together. We would like to cook Uzbek Plov. Here is some information about this traditional dish found many countries.

This is a task you do at home. Read, listen, and repeat the words from your vocabulary list.

  1. Open our platform with interactive tasks. Read the highlighted phrases in the recipe on the left. Do you understand all the highlighted phrases? If you don’t remember some words, check them in the lesson dictionary.
  2. Move the pictures in the order of cooking the dish. Put a description from the recipe under each picture. Write down the recipe using only the highlighted phrases. Check that the task is completed correctly using this link.

Часть 2: Готовим по рецептам Крымских татар.

Упражнение 3, Часть 2: Can-do statements

I can explain how to cook some Crimean Tatar national dishes.


1) Communication: Presentational Communication

2) Connections: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives

Have you heard about Crimean Tatars and their very unique culture and traditions? Before you start doing the tasks you can read a little bit about Crimean Tatars here.

  1. Open the website containing Crimean Tatar recipes. Choose one dish, watch the video and write down, in Russian, how to cook the dish.
  2. Write the answers to the following questions in English:
    1. Would you like to try this dish? Why?
    2. Does your family cook a similar dish? If so, tell us about this dish. Find the recipe-writing worksheet here.

Упражнение 4:

Часть 1: Едем на Восточный базар (The Eastern Bazaar).

Упражнение 4, Часть 1 & 2: Can-do statements

I can talk about the features of the Eastern Bazaar and can name the products that are sold there (Using knowledge about my own culture and other cultures, I can identify locations to buy items and how culture can affect where people shop).


1) Communication: Interpretive Communication

2) Cultures: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives

3) Comparisons: Cultural Comparisons

The Eastern Bazaar is a lively place that is often found in Asian fairy tales. Let’s find out what attracts people to the bazaar.

Watch a short video about Tashkent. (00:00-1:36)

Answer the following questions:

  • Что вы видели в видео? (Я видел(-а) …)
  • Какие продукты вы видели в видео? (Я видел(-а) … + Acc)
  • What did you find unique about this video?
  • Have you ever been to such a market?
  • What do you think are the advantages of a market compared to stores?

Discuss the questions linked here.

Discuss the products at the bazaar.

Часть 2: Восточный базар (The Eastern Bazaar)


1) Communication: Interpretive Communication

Watch the second part of the video (4:48-6:19) and draw the products corresponding to their name in Russian.

Russian language speaker with a green shirt Active Vocabulary

Упражнение 1
горожáнин / горожáнка/ горожáне – citizen(s)
селяни́н/ селя́нка/ селя́не – villagers
бо́льше, чем – more than
ме́ньше, чем – less than
ча́ще, чем – more often than
килогра́мм (1 килогра́мм, 2-4 килогра́мма, 5- килогра́ммов) – kilogram(s)
шту́ка (1 шту́ка, 2-3 шту́ки, 5- шту́к) – thing(s)
Есть (я ем, ты ешь, он/ она ест, мы еди́м, вы еди́те, они едя́т) – to eat
Пить (я пью, ты пьёшь, он/ она пьёт, мы пьём, вы пьёте, они пьют) – to drink

Упражнение 2

Абрико́с – apricot
Виногра́д – grape
Ви́шня – cherry
Сли́ва – plum
Черни́ка – blueberry
Брусни́ка – lingonberry
Масля́та – mushrooms (commonly eaten in Eastern Europe)
Опя́та – mushrooms (commonly eaten in Eastern Europe)
Лиси́чки – mushrooms (commonly eaten in Eastern Europe)
Крыжо́вник – gooseberry
Щу́ка – pike
Сёмга – salmon
Кальма́р – squid
Де́лать (что?+ Acc) из (чего? + Gen) – make (X) from (Y)

Упражнение 3
Use the Accusative case with all verbs
Вы́мыть – to wash (out)
Наре́зать – to slice
Жа́рить – to fry
Очи́стить.- to clean
Почи́стить – to clean up
Доба́вить – to add
Посоли́ть – to salt
Гото́вить – to prepare
Перемеша́ть – to mix

Упражнение 4
Рынок – market
Базар (восточный базар) – bazaar
Сыр – cheese
Ма́сло сливо́чное – butter
Ма́сло подсо́лнечное – sunflower oil
Бана́ны – bananas
Мя́со – meat
Молоко́ – milk
Огурцы́ – cucumbers
О́вощи – vegetables
Помидо́ры – tomatoes
Шокола́д – chocolate


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