
30 Something for Everyone


Books have a reputation.
Depending on who you ask—opinions differ

Regarding books. They’re great
Or terrible–or just ok.

Thick, slender, leather, paper.
Some are more educated than others.

You won’t see Captain Underpants at the same
party as War and Peace.

No, those flavors don’t mix.
But sit down and prepare for a journey.

Those who say, “I don’t like books,”
haven’t met the right fit.

There’s a jacket for everyone–
Here! Try this one on for size.

The best ones have some scars
Wonder what happened here, some mutter; Dog-eared

Pages galore. Tattooed with highlighters and hieroglyphics.
There’s dignity in these wrinkles, they think.

Books wait for the right person
To love what’s inside…and then, there’s no going back.


But what of the books with the thin
Layers of dust signaling their demise?

One day you’re the hottest thing on Goodreads
And now–whispers of a library book sale.

Who would ever even look at this?
Let alone read it they say of the old-timers

Tossed into a box, some books remember
When they were chosen ones.

Pressed onto a shelf with the others
Haughty in the knowledge they will be read.

Oh, but now times are tough.
Something called an “e-reader” threatens the air

Competition is stiff–books know they
Are not the most important things.

Jealousy runs rampant–
When will their turn come again?

Then, the wind shifts, and what was old
Is now new again.

Classics are reborn, books are the latest fashion
Complementing every outfit on the street.


Pocket of Poems Copyright © by shhochst. All Rights Reserved.