
5 Additional Course Policies and Information

  1. Course Civility: While most of the work for this course will be done on an individual basis, there are some assignments and opportunities for engaging with other students. You are expected to treat all others with the respect you yourself expect to receive. No disrespectful language or behavior will be tolerated. If you feel you have been treated badly, please contact me (Dr. Shockey) immediately to discuss the issue.
  2. Academic Honesty Statement: It is the responsibility of the student to know of the prohibited actions such as cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, academic, and personal misconduct, and thus, to avoid them. All students are held to the standards outlined in the code. Please reference the entire code for a complete listing: https://www.iusb.edu/judicial/ Any violation may result in serious academic penalty, ranging from receiving a warning, to failing the assignment, to failing the course, to expulsion from the University. Because of problems in past online courses, some assignments may be submitted to Turnitin.com to make sure each student’s work is their own. I know most of you are honest (and I hope all of you are), but the downside to online learning is it creates incentives and opportunities for turning in work that is not one’s own.
  3. Lots of helpful information for Distance Learning students is available here: https://www.iusb.edu/distance-learning/for-students/
  4. Disabilities Statement: If you have a disability and need assistance, arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. Contact the Disability Support Services office (Administration Building, room 176-172, telephone number 520-4460 or 4256), as soon as possible to work out the details. Once the DSS office has provided you with a letter attesting to your needs for accommodations, bring me the letter or send me a picture of it. For more information, please visit the web site for the Disability Support Services Office https://www.iusb.edu/disability-support/
  5. If you are struggling with stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues, the IU South Bend Student Counseling Center provides free counseling for students. You can contact them at 574-520-4125. They are doing counseling via Zoom during the COVID-19 crisis.
  6. Accommodations for Religious Observances: If any student will require academic accommodations for a religious observance, please provide me with a written request to consider a reasonable modification for that observance ASAP. If after discussion we reach no consensus, either party or both should seek the advice of the Dean, and if no consensus is reached, then the advice of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (“VCAA”). Either the instructor or the student may appeal the VCAA’s decision to the Office of Affirmative Action within ten business days of the determination.
  7. Sexual Harassment Statement: As your instructor, one of my responsibilities is to create a positive learning environment for all students. Title IX and IU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibit sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic violence.  If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help. If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with: IU South Bend Student Counseling Center at 574-520-4125 (counseling services) or Campus Health and Wellness Center at 574-520-5557 (health and medical services). It is also important that you know that Title IX and University policy require me to share any information brought to my attention about potential sexual misconduct, with the campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator or IU’s Title IX Coordinator.  In that event, those individuals will work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available.   Protecting student privacy is of utmost concern, and information will only be shared with those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. I encourage you to visit stopsexualviolence.iu.edu to learn more.