
2 Services and Support

IU CAPS and counseling services directors speak highly of the mental health services provided to students. They offer a wide range of options—individual to group counseling, workshops, referrals, screenings and support for various mental health conditions, and opportunities specific to different categories of students. Given the major differences between campuses—i.e. student demographics, CAPS structure, campus climate, opportunities available in cities—we recommend that the task force identify opportunities for maximizing existing capacity and expanding where possible.

While the transition to the university experience is meant to challenge students, the stress can often lead to worse mental health outcomes. Common sources of student stress and anxiety relate to time management and feeling as though they have no time for self-care. IU CAPS and counseling services staff feel strongly that, given proper resources for wellness, the number of students feeling in control of their mental health will increase and those overwhelmed by school-related stress will decrease. IU provides wellness resources on CAPS and counseling services sites and offers wellness activities throughout the year; however, these opportunities require student opt-in. Students may only seek out relevant resources when the stress has become too burdensome. Recommendations include:

  • Under the auspices of the new Vice President for Student Success, organize a group across campuses to ensure that baseline services are met, while recognizing the individual needs of campuses. Task force will make recommendations to VPSS as to appointments and functioning of this group.
  • Enhance mental health services to fill gaps and meet the needs of students.
    • Increase the number and diversity of providers where appropriate to deliver culturally competent care to our increasingly diverse student body. Task force will make recommendations as to where hiring new providers, and what type of providers, are necessary on a campus by campus basis.
    • Contract with telehealth providers to fill gaps where necessary or to meet the needs of specific populations. Task force will make recommendations as to which telehealth providers would best serve IU.
    • Increase the offering of group counseling where appropriate to serve more students. Task force, in conjunction with CAPS and counseling services and centers, will make recommendations as to when group counseling might be appropriate.
    • Determine how we might offer mental health services to our online students, many of whom live in Indiana near one of our campuses, who are not currently served by CAPS or counseling services or centers. Task force will make recommendations on how to serve this population.
    • Improve the schedule of when services are offered, and ensure that they meet the various needs of students. Task force, in conjunction with CAPS and counseling services and centers, will make recommendations as to how we might alter the schedule of services to meet the needs of all students.
    • Extend relationships with outside providers where necessary to provide care or services beyond the scope of CAPS or counseling services or centers.
    • Ensure that after-hours, non-emergent support is available to students in mental distress.
  • Create a triage service to help with referrals and overflow, directing students to services and support across the mental health continuum, from help with stress, to long term care, to acute and critical situations. Task force will make recommendations as to who might staff such a service, what they should cover, and how to make this work across campuses.
  • Expand case management services to follow-up with students with concerning issues.
  • Enhance services and programs that focus on particular stressors and groups at increased risk. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Abuse of alcohol and drugs
    • Sexual assault and harassment
    • Financial planning and management
    • Family stressors
    • Trauma
    • Poverty, food insecurity, and home insecurity
    • International students
    • Graduate students
    • Students of color
    • LBGTQ+ students
      For each of these, the task force will make recommendations as to which programs might be expanded to serve additional campuses or populations, or recommend for the creation of new programs.