8 Salamanders

Image of Adrax Agatone miniature. Man with onyx skin wearing green body armor with gold details.
Andrax Agatone model from Games Workshop

Lore Overview: Salamanders

From the volcanic planet of Nocturne, the Salamanders are recognized across the Imperium as some of the deadliest and friendliest of the Space Marines. Known for their onyx black skin, red eyes, and love of fire, these Space Marines are unusually fixated on avoiding civilian casualties. They believe one of their primary duties is to protect the lives of the Emperor of Mankind’s subjects whenever and wherever possible.[1]

The Salamander’s Primarch, Vulkan, was a perpetual like the Emperor. This allowed him to be brought back to life from countless near-death injuries. About one thousand years after the Horus Heresy, Vulkan hid nine artifacts around the galaxy for his chapter members to find. He then disappeared, leaving his chapter a message saying he would return when all nine artifacts had been recovered.[2]

Playstyle Overview: Salamanders

The Salamanders may be the friendliest Space Marines chapter, but don’t let their cheery dispositions fool you. They are known for their raw power in battle. Their durability, strength, and proficiency with fire make up for their slow movement on the table.[3]

The main playstyle of the Salamanders revolves around fire. Their chapter specific abilities provide buffs to the use of flame weapons. From melta guns to flame throwers, if there are enemies of the Imperium on the battlefield, the Salamanders will reduce them to ash.[4]

Let’s take a look at the Salamanders specific abilities and doctrines found in their Codex Supplement.

Chapter Doctrine: Promethean Cult

  • While the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made by a flame weapon or a melta weapon by a model with this ability, add +1 to the wound roll.

Chapter Tactics: Forged In Battle

  • Each time a unit with this tactic is selected to shoot or fight, you can reroll one wound roll when resolving that unit’s attacks.
  • Each time an attack with an Armor Penetration (AP) characteristic of -1 is allocated to a model with this tactic, that attack has an Armor Penetration (AP) characteristic of 0 instead.

  1. (40k Theories) (Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer)
  2. (40k Theories) (Games Workshop)
  3. (Auspex Tactics)
  4. (Auspex Tactics)