2 Space Marines: Lore and Gameplay Introduction

Close up image of a Space Marine. Man in blue power armor with a gold skull with wings on his chest.
“Space Marine” by THQ Insider is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Lore Introduction:

Space Marines, also known as Adeptus Astartes, are genetically modified super soldiers for the Imperium of Man; hundreds of planets scattered across the galaxy that fall under human control. They are loyal servants to the God Emperor of Mankind.[1]

Also known as the Emperor, the God Emperor of Mankind is a perpetual[2], a mutant human with great psychic and regeneration abilities. After the Horus Heresy, the Emperor was severely injured. His body is currently in stasis, strapped to the Golden Throne and fed the life sources of hundreds of pskyers (humans with psychic abilities or powers) a day.[3]

The Space Marines ultimate goal is to continue the Emperor’s original mission; to uplift and expand humanity to become the dominant power in the galaxy. They fight against the heretics that oppose the Imperium, daemons of Chaos that spring from the Warp, and other alien races known as Xenos to maintain the Emperor’s vision.[4]

Gameplay Introduction: Space Marines

The Space Marines are typically the first army for many Warhammer players. They have a huge range of miniatures and codices to choose from, and support nearly every playstyle on the tabletop.

They are very well armored and offer a great mix of shooting and melee attacks against their enemies. Their one downfall is their lack of horde type units; however, their attack and defense stats usually make up for this.[5]

There are four big abilities that come with every Space Marine army, regardless of their specific chapter. These four abilities combined make the Space Marines some of the finest warriors in the Imperium and give them their nickname “Angels of Death”.[6]

Let’s take a look at these abilities, found in the Space Marines Codex.

And They Shall Know No Fear

  • Each time a Combat Attrition Test is taken for this unit, ignore any and all modifiers.

Bolter Discipline

  • Instead of using normal rapid-fire rules, Space Marine models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following rules apply:
    • The target is within half the weapon’s range.
    • The shooting model is infantry and remained stationary in the previous movement phase.
    • The shooting model is a terminator or a biker.
  • (For the purpose of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt weapon is any bolt weapon with the Rapid Fire type.)

Shock Assault

  • Each time a Space Marine unit fights, if it made a charge move, was charged, or preformed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, and +1 to the Attack characteristic model of that unit.

Combat Doctrines

  • If every unit in your army has the “Adeptus Astartes” keyword, this unit gains a bonus depending on which Combat Doctrine is active for your army.
  • During the first battle round, the Devastator Doctrine is active for your army. From the second battle round on, you can change it, so the Tactical Doctrine is active.
  • If the Tactical Doctrine was active for your army in the last battle round, you can change it to the Assault Doctrine.

(Author note: each specific Space Marine chapter has special doctrines specific for their army. Those will be detailed in their sections in this book.)

Devastator Doctrine

  • While active, improve the Armor Penetration (AP) characteristic of every heavy and grenade weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by +1.

Tactical Doctrine

  • While active, improve the Armor Penetration (AP) characteristic of every rapid fire and assault weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by +1.

Assault Doctrine

  • While active, improve the Armor Penetration (AP) characteristic of every pistol and melee weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by +1.

  1. (Luetin09)
  2. (Luetin09)
  3. (Luetin09)
  4. (Luetin09)
  5. Auspex Tactics
  6. Games Workshop