Book Title: Teaching Toxic Heritage

Book Description: A companion to Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice including learning activities and discussion questions to engage students and public audiences in issues of environmental harm and memory at local, national, and planetary scales.
Book Information
Book Description
An open educational resource (OER) companion to Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice (Routledge 2024, open access), including learning activities and discussion questions to engage students and public audiences in issues of environmental harm and memory at local, national, and planetary scales. Teaching Toxic Heritage is organized around the five themes of the edited volume: 1) the meaning and significance of toxic heritage, 2) politics, 3) narratives, 4) affected communities, and 5) activist approaches and interventions. The target audience is teachers in secondary school (grades 9-12 in the US system), undergraduate, and graduate programs, as well as potential use in informal learning contexts such as museums, heritage organizations, or other civic groups interested in environmental issues. The goal of this freely available instructional material is to widen the audience engaging with intersections of environmental harm and memory practices and to help people think about environmental degradation and injustices as central to their shared heritage in order to create a more sustainable and just future.
Teaching Toxic Heritage Copyright © by Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, Audrey Ricke, Laura Holzman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Social impact of environmental issues