37 Quick Instructions – Phenol Red Thread
Jeffrey D. Perotti, M.S., O.D.
The Phenol Red Thread Test (PRT) is a quick, non-invasive, relatively comfortable test that grossly measures tear volume, and, as such, is a tool to consider in any dry eye workup.
Patient complaint of dry eyes
Allergy to phenol red dye
Phenol Red Thread Test Package (contains two strips)
- Open the package, and remove one of the two strips.
- Slightly pull down the lower lid and hook the thread (it comes pre-bent) over the lower lid margin, approximately 1/3 of the way from the lateral canthus.
- Immediately begin timing. After 15 seconds, pull the lower lid down and remove the thread by moving it slightly upward and away from the eye.
- Repeat with the other eye
- After each eye, measure and record (in mm) the amount of thread that has changed color
A result of 0 mm to 10 mm may indicate a tear film deficiency
A result greater than 10 mm is considered to be normal
Zone Quick Phenol Red Thread (PRT) Tear Test Package Insert