41 Quick Instructions – Tonopen XL

Jeffrey D. Perotti, M.S., O.D.


The Tono-Pen XL tonometer is a safe, reliable alternative to Goldmann tonometry, allowing you to safely and accurately measure intra-ocular pressure


  1. Patient is unable to perform Goldmann tonometry.
  2. Irregular corneas


  1. Allergy to any medications used during the procedure.
  2. Allergy to latex.


  1. Ocu-Film tip cover
  2. Proparacaine 0.5% ophthalmic solution



The Tono-Pen must be calibrated each day before it is used.  To calibrate:

  1. Place an Ocu-Film tip cover on the unit
  2. While holding the measuring probe pointed towards the floor, press the measuring button twice in succession.  The display should read “CAL”
  3. After approximately 15 seconds, the unit will beep and the display will read “UP”.  Quickly move the measuring probe to point towards the ceiling.
  4. If calibration is successful, the display will read “Good”.  Proceed to measurement.


  1. Place a new Ocu-Film tip cover on the instrument if necessary.
  2. Position patient in an upright position and staring straight ahead.
  3. Instill one drop of proparacaine 0.5% ophthalmic solution in each eye
  4. Press the operator’s button once.  The display will briefly show [], followed by [====] and a beep.  Once you see the double bars and hear the beep, proceed to measurement.
  5. Measure by tapping the measuring probe on the central cornea repeatedly.  A chirp will be heard after each successful measurement.  After 4 successful measurements, the unit will beep.  Measurements must be completed 15 seconds after the double bars appear.


In addition to displaying the IOP (in mm Hg), a standard deviation indication will appear in the display.  A standard deviation of “20%” or “>20%” requires a repeat measurement.

When done, store the unit with the Ocu-Film tip cover in place, and re-position the cardboard sleeve over the tip cover to protect the measuring tip of the unit.


Reichert Tono-Pen XL Quick Reference Guide can be found here

Reichert Tono-Pen XL User’s Guide can be found here


V680 - Introduction to Clinic Copyright © 2021 by Jeffrey D. Perotti, M.S., O.D.. All Rights Reserved.

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