Other Related Materials

Click to review the below other materials related to contracts and grants:

Material Contract Coversheet

Click the above link to download an Excel template for the material contract approval process. This document must be completed in full and submitted to the appropriate campus controller or university administrative reviewer prior to entering into an agreement with an external party or component unit. This template also includes a link to the revenue and expense analysis templates.

Frequently Used Contract Templates and Forms

Click the above link to access a list of templates and online versions of commonly used forms compiled by the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel. The templates function as a starting point for the drafting of a more complete contract or form. Please note that any documents based off of the above templates will need to be reviewed and approved by the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel.

Awards and Agreements Management Helpful Documents

Click the above link to access information and helpful documents related to the management of awards and agreements at Indiana University. This information has been compiled by the Office for Research Administration (ORA) to assist IU faculty and staff.


Accounting for Revenue and Receipts Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.