

Click to review the below policies related to foreign source gifts, contracts, and other revenue-producing activities:

FIN-ACC-40: Charitable Gifts to Indiana University

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on charitable gifts to Indiana University. This policy provides guidance to faculty and staff concerning the depositing, recording, and acknowledgment of all charitable gifts received on behalf of Indiana University. Review this policy for detailed procedures on how to process a gift when a gift is received. This policy is applicable to all Indiana University units and employees.

FIN-ACC-45: Donor Intent Responsibilities

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on donor intent responsibilities. Indiana University has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that donor wishes are strictly observed and that gifts are used only for the purpose stated by the donor. Gifts received for the benefit of the university must be spent or utilized according to the intent of the donor. Fiscal officers are responsible for ensuring that processes and controls are in place to ensure that the use of gift resources agree with donor intentions. The determination of donor intent must be supported by the gift agreement or other pertinent documentation stating the donor’s intent. Review this policy for information about the procedures around tracking gifts to ensure the gift is being used appropriately, definitions for common terms surrounding gift restrictions, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.

FIN-ACC-55: Foreign Source Gifts, Contracts, and Revenue-Producing Activities

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on foreign source gifts, contracts, and revenue-producing activities. This policy assigns departmental responsibility for compliance and establishes procedures for the university to comply with applicable foreign source reporting requirements, including 20 U.S.C. § 1011f (Section 117) and Indiana Code Title 21 Article 49 (SEA 388). This policy outlines the reporting requirements and emphasizes that Indiana University is required to report certain gifts, contracts, revenue-producing activities, and other arrangements with a foreign source if they involve the university, one of its units, or an affiliated organization receiving money, property, or other tangible benefits from a foreign source for the benefit of the university. Review this policy for information about the requirements around accepting and processing tangible items from a foreign source, definitions for common terms surrounding foreign source arrangements, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.

FIN-TRE-90: External Agency Agreements

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on external agency agreements. IU may enter into contractual agreements to serve as fiscal agent for certain entities which are external to IU governance, for the purpose of facilitating the mutual achievement of educational, research, and public services purposes and goals. The purpose of this policy is to determine if the external agreement is in alignment with the mission of IU and to standardize the process of reviewing and accepting agreements with external agencies. Review this policy for information about the procedures around external agency agreements, the procedures to request approval for new external agency contracts, the process to terminate external agency agreements, details about the specific roles and responsibilities of units and individuals at IU in regard to external agency agreements, definitions for common terms surrounding external agency agreements, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.

FIN-TRE-100: Signature Authority and Delegation

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on signature authority and delegation. This policy establishes and clarifies protocols regarding signature authority and the delegation of signature authority with respect to contracts and agreements between the university and third parties. In particular, this policy is focused on outlining parties who have the authority to sign documents related to conducting the business operations of the university, the procedure to request a delegation of signature authority, definitions for common types of agreements between IU and third parties, and how this policy impacts different departments at IU.

FIN-TRE-110: Accepting Electronic Payments

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on accepting electronic payments. This policy provides the necessary guidance to ensure that the university takes advantage of the opportunities electronic payments present while meeting the regulatory requirements, operational challenges, internal controls, and security responsibilities associated with accepting payments electronically. Review this policy for information about the procedures around accepting and processing electronic payments, definitions for common terms surrounding electronic payments, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.

FIN-TRE-120: Processing Revenue

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on processing revenue. Review this policy to understand the revenue processing system and the importance of standardizing revenue processing within Indiana University as a means to reduce the risk of fraud and/or loss while increasing the efficiency of its cash.

FIN-TRE-121: Establishing and Modifying Revenue-Producing Activities (RPA)

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on establishing and modifying a revenue-producing activity. A revenue-producing activity is established when revenue is generated from the sale of products and/or services provided by the university and/or university employees. All new activities must be approved prior to accepting revenue. This policy is intended to provide procedures and guidelines for the establishment of revenue-producing activities by IU departments, units, and individuals, consistent with the university mission and that of the unit generating the revenue. The purpose of this policy is to determine alignment with the mission and to standardize revenue processing within IU across similar functions with solutions characterized by strong controls to reduce the risk of fraud and/or loss while increasing the efficiency of its cash.

FIN-TRE-180: IU-Held Endowments and Quasi-Endowments

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on IU-held endowments and quasi-endowments. Endowments and quasi-endowments are treated in a manner different than other university funds with respect to the investment of the funds and with respect to special restrictions on the expenditure of the principal and earnings on such funds. Accordingly, this policy establishes a compliance and oversight framework for such accounts. Review this policy for information about the procedures around establishing and maintaining IU-held endowments and quasi-endowments, the definition for a consolidated endowment pool, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.

UA-18: University Records Retention and Disposition

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on university records retention and disposition. Effective records management ensures that records are retained and disposed of in compliance with legal, regulatory, fiscal, administrative, and contractual obligations and, with regard to appropriate records, archived to preserve the university’s history. This policy articulates the responsibility for records retention and disposition at Indiana University and provides guidance for compliance with the Indiana University records retention schedule. In particular, this policy reviews the scope of application, a detailed statement of the policy and how it impacts different units at IU, reasoning, the record retention procedures, the definition of a record, sanctions to the policy, and specific contacts for further questions around record retention and disposition at IU.


Accounting for Revenue and Receipts Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.

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