
Training Materials

Click to review the below training materials related to revenue recognition:

Accounts Receivable Training Documentation

Click the above link to access a list of helpful accounts receivable training documents and aids compiled by the Financial Training and Communications department.

Accounts Receivable Training Path

Click the above link to navigate to the Indiana University training path for accounts receivable. This path includes Canvas courses, internal videos, documentation, and questionnaires centered around accounts receivable at IU.

Introduction to Financial Reports

Click the above link to navigate to the Indiana University introduction to financial reporting training course. The course will provide information about report-related terminology, how to interpret a financial report, and detailed guidance about the environments in which financial reports can be run at IU.

Revenue Processing Training

Click the above link to navigate to the Indiana University revenue processing training course. The course will provide detailed information on how to process revenue at IU. This training course is required every two years if you are involved in revenue processing or have access to IU banking/credit card systems. This training course is also required if you manage people or systems that process revenue.


Accounting for Revenue and Receipts Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.

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