
7 How to Push Scores from ExamSoft to Canvas Gradebook

  1. Log in to the ExamSoft portal: examsoft.com/iusm.
  2. Click the Assessments tab and navigate to your assessment.
  3. Select the Push Grades button (1) in the right-hand column. Note: If the Push Grades option is not available, click the cog wheel (2) and select the option from the dropdown to add the column.

    Screenshot of Examsoft showing a filtered list. It's a table with one entry. Table consists of columns: Assessment, POst, Course, Last Modified, D/L Open, Actions, D/L Close, Reporting/scoring and Push Grades to LMS

  4. Enter name of exam in the Create a New Column box (1)
  5. Select Points for the Score Type (2)
  6. Select the Send Grades to LMS button (3)

    Screenshot of Examsoft setting. It's a form with title: Select Grade Column; Below it is the name of the course and the posting title. Then there's a drop down field titled Select Grade column. Second field as OR option, titled Create A New Column. Last field is AND and field title is Select Score Type. Two buttons. One is cancel. Other is Send Grades to LMS

  7. Confirmation: After the grades have been successfully pushed from ExamSoft® to Canvas, the following confirmation screen will appear:

    Screenshot of a success modal dialog. Title: Confirmation. Text is in grey box with green letters. Text reads: The grades were successfully sent to the selected LMS grade column. You can review them in your LMS system now. There's a close button to close the dialog.

  8. Verify Grades in Canvas: Following the receipt of the confirmation screen, check that the grades are present in the Gradebook for the desired course.


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