Book Title: IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023

Subtitle: Your Educational Passport

Author: IUI International Admissions

Cover image for IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023

Book Description: A guide for prospective students from around the globe to learn about Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI)

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Book Information

Book Description

A guide for prospective students from around the globe to learn about Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI)—Indiana’s premier urban public research university. Combining the resources of two prestigious universities within our downtown Indianapolis location, we offer you the opportunity to earn a respected degree from Indiana University (IU) or Purdue University while enjoying all the benefits of city life.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023 by IUPUI International Admissions, published using Pressbooks under a Public Domain license. It may differ from the original.


IUI International Admissions


IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023 Copyright © by IUI International Admissions. All Rights Reserved.


IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023
IUI International Admissions

IU Indianapolis International Viewbook 2023 Copyright © by IUI International Admissions. All Rights Reserved.