
Build your Future

IUI gives you the freedom to design a program that prepares you for the career of your choice. Combine majors, minors, and certificates to customize a program of study that meets your interests and goals, or even design your own interdisciplinary major. 


Female student during class. Text on photo says 140+ majors and 100+ minors

1st School of Informatics and Computing in the nation

7+ IU Kelley School of Business undergraduate programs

Undergraduate degrees



Yuki Takaku

Yuki Takaku  |  Japan

“I believe that every moment I spent at IU Indianapolis has changed me. The international exchange at IUI has been a wonderful experience for me, especially through the OIA, the IPMP program events, meeting friends from around the world, and building the I-house community together. It made me want to contribute more to international exchange after graduation.”

Exchange student at IU Indianapolis through a partnership with Hakuoh University in Japan


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