Book Title: GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide

Author: IU Graduate School Indianapolis

Cover image for GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide

Book Description: Support for Graduate Students as they Start and Navigate their Program.

All Rights Reserved


Book Information

Book Description

This onboarding experience was designed to assist you through all stages of your graduate program, from acceptance to graduation and beyond. We hope you will consider this an additional resource tool as you progress through your degree program. Go through the whole Learning Path or pick and choose the modules that are relevant to you based on your current situation and place in your graduate program. We know this might be a lot of information to take in all at once so remember that this resource exists and you can always refer back to it when you are ready. Topics that are covered include IU Graduate School Indianapolis Overview, Getting Started, Academics, Technology, Finances, International Students, and Graduation and Beyond.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of Graduate School Indianapolis Onboarding by hchaubey, published using Pressbooks by The IU Graduate School Indianapolis serves all graduate and professional programs on the IU Indianapolis campus and works closely with Indiana University and Purdue University to administer student services and programs. The IU Graduate School Indianapolis is committed to the academic and professional development of a diverse community of graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff through effective delivery of services and innovative approaches to foster collaborations within and across disciplines, campus, and beyond. under a Public Domain license. It may differ from the original.


IU Graduate School Indianapolis


GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide Copyright © by IU Graduate School Indianapolis. All Rights Reserved.


Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects


GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide
IU Graduate School Indianapolis
Harshit Chaubey
Harshit Chaubey

GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide Copyright © by IU Graduate School Indianapolis. All Rights Reserved.

Primary Subject
Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects
The IU Graduate School Indianapolis serves all graduate and professional programs on the IU Indianapolis campus and works closely with Indiana University and Purdue University to administer student services and programs. The IU Graduate School Indianapolis is committed to the academic and professional development of a diverse community of graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff through effective delivery of services and innovative approaches to foster collaborations within and across disciplines, campus, and beyond.