IU Graduate School Indianapolis Overview

Introduction: Onboarding Guide

Welcome to your IU Indianapolis Graduate Onboarding!

Remember, any words in the guide that are underlined are hyperlinks. Feel free to click on them to explore related web pages and resources for your convenience.

As you progress through this guide, you’ll encounter “Quick Check” questions at the end of each section. These brief quizzes are designed to reinforce key information and ensure you’re catching all the important details. They’re also a fun way to test your knowledge!

But wait, there’s more! Complete all the Quick Checks throughout the onboarding, and you’ll earn an official “IU Indianapolis Graduate Onboarding Certificate” from the Graduate School. This certificate is a great addition to your academic portfolio and demonstrates your commitment to starting your graduate journey on the right foot.

Ready to dive in? Let’s begin with our first section!


GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide Copyright © by IU Graduate School Indianapolis. All Rights Reserved.