

Changing Your Schedule


Drop/Add Courses

After registering, you will have access to continuous drop/add courses using the Student Center until the Sunday following the first week of classes. If you drop a class during this time, it will not show up on your transcript or grade report.

If you want to drop or add a class after the first week of the term, use the eDrop/eAdd procedure in Student Center.

Graduate students who add or drop courses may be charged course fees, tuition, and/or penalties.

Official Grades

Most grades are processed a week after the end of final examinations and are available one day thereafter. To view your final grades, go to Grades in One.IU, and click “start.”

In Canvas, how do I view my grades in a current course? 




GradJag 'Quick' Onboarding Orientation Guide Copyright © by IU Graduate School Indianapolis. All Rights Reserved.

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