48 Radiography Program Curriculum
The curriculum of the Radiography Program is designed to meet the associate degree requirements of the School of Medicine, Health Professions Programs at Indiana University and the JRCERT “Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiologic Sciences”. The “Radiography Curriculum”, published by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, is the foundation for the RADI courses. Students will complete 76 credit hours and approximately 1300 scheduled clinical experience clock hours as part of the degree.
prerequisite Coursework | 15 credits
English Composition (ENG W131)…3
College Algebra (MATH 15300)…3
Medical Terminology (RADI R108)…1
Human Anatomy (BIOL N261) …5
Communication (COMM R110)… 3
First Year
2022 SUMMER SESSION II (4225) | 6 credits
RADI R110 Introduction to Radiography…3
RADI R112 Patient Care I…3
2022 FALL SEMESTER (4228) | 12 credits
RADI R114 Radiographic Procedures I…3
RADI R115 Radiographic Procedures I Lab…1
RADI R118 Principles of Radiography I…4
RADI R119 Radiography Principles Lab I…1
RADI R151 Basic Clinical Experience I…3
2023 SPRING SEMESTER (4232) | 12 credits
RADI R124 Radiographic Procedures II…3
RADI R125 Radiography Procedures Lab II…1
RADI R128 Principles of Radiography II…4
RADI R129 Radiography Principles Lab II…1
RADI R171 Basic Clinical Experience: II…3
*fall and spring semesters 1st year Clinical Courses 2 days (14 hrs.) / week
Second Year
2023 SUMMER SESSION [12 weeks] (4235) | 6 credits
RADI R212 Patient Care II…1
RADI R225 Medical Ethics and Law for Imaging Professionals…1
RADI R274 Clinical Exp in Imaging Modalities…4
*SS 2nd year Clinical Course 4 days (28 hours) / week
2023 FALL SEMESTER (4238) | 13 credits
RADI R210 Pathology…2
RADI R214 Radiographic Procedures III…3
RADI R228 Principles of Radiography III…4
RADI R271 Clinical Competency Experience I…4
2024 SPRING SEMESTER (4242) | 12 credits
RADI R216 Image Evaluation…3
RADI R262 Radiation Biology and Protection in Diagnostic Radiology…1
RADI R272 Clinical Competency Experience II…4
RADI R276 Intro to Professional Life in Img Sci…4
*fall and spring 2nd year Clinical Course 3 days (21 hours)/ week