43 RISP Adverse Weather Policy
Adverse weather and certain non-weather related emergencies may cause university classes to be cancelled. Class cancellations will be announced by means of area television, radio, e-mail, and campus websites. The cancellation of classes does not mean that the campus is closed. Closing the campus is a specific action of a chancellor separate from a decision to cancel classes.
Please understand that none of these options will address individual courses*. Information is for campus closings and campus-wide class cancellations only.
- Phone: This official number, (317) 278-1600, gives the latest open or closed status for the campus.
- Web: Check the IUI Campus Homepage and this page, https://protect.iu.edu/index.html for official information about campus wide closings
- Media Outlets: Indianapolis and Bloomington media outlets will also be contacted about campus wide closings. See the list of outlets, listed on the right on this page.
- E-mail: Closing information will be sent to anyone subscribed to the JagNews and official IUI Faculty/Staff mailing lists.
- Weather conditions that may destroy property, cause flooding or long term disruption, please contact the RISP program director to report your situation. These situations are rare and will be handled on an individual basis.
* When weather conditions are such that IUI classes are canceled, all Radiologic and Imaging Sciences clinical assignments will be cancelled. Students must check their emails for any messages from their course professors. It is possible that didactic courses may be held via video and/or other e-learning activities. Note: In the event that IUI does not cancel classes and if a student feels road conditions are too bad to drive, or the roads have been shut down by their county, they must use personal time and enter the absence in E*Value.