32 RISP Attendance Policy
It is the expectation of the RISP faculty that students attend all classes and clinical assignments. All special absences must be prearranged with your program director. All other absences must be communicated to the clinical coordinator (clinical absence) or faculty member (class/lab absence). Absences from clinic or classes to study for examinations are strongly discouraged. Trends in the attendance of individual students are monitored throughout the program. Excessive absence patterns could result in grade reductions, course failure, or program dismissal.
- The syllabus for each course will describe the attendance requirements for that course. Faculty may use attendance as a portion of the grade for each course.
- Each faculty member will include in the course syllabus the restrictions and procedure the student must follow if an examination is missed.
- Classroom courses will begin at the scheduled time. Students are expected to be in their seats ready to participate when class begins.
- If you arrive late, please be courteous to the faculty and other students by being as quiet as possible in taking a seat in the class. Classroom faculty may assess grading penalties for habitual tardiness.
- Students should avoid activities that may result in a disruption of a class. Examples of such disruptions include leaving the room during the class time, receiving cell phone calls (turn them off), inappropriate use of wireless internet connection during class, and talking to those around you when not appropriate to the activity. Faculty may require students to leave class if they are disruptive. Inappropriate use of laptops will result in loss of privilege during class sessions.
- Students cannot bring children to the RISP area when they are to participate in a class or lab activity.
For Clinical Attendance, refer to policies and procedures found in your Program Clinical Handbook
For Radiography and Nuclear Medicine Students Only: Awards are presented to students with perfect attendance in clinical experience courses.