
68 Diagnostic Sonography Human Subject Volunteer Policy

The Diagnostic Sonography curriculum includes lab courses where students scan other students or other volunteers to practice sonographic procedures and techniques.  Lab sessions are taught and supervised by credentialed, experienced diagnostic sonographers.  Students are encouraged to participate as the patient, but this participation is STRICTLY voluntary and is in no way required. Declining to volunteer as the patient will not affect the student’s course grade. Students attest to their understanding of this policy through signing the Informed Consent at the beginning of their enrollment in the program.

In the event that an incidental finding is discovered by a sonography student while scanning any volunteer patient during lab, the student should discuss the possible incidental findings with the faculty member instructing the scan lab (outside the volunteer’s presence, if possible). The scan lab instructor will take the volunteer to a private location and disclose that during the scan lab, the sonographic examination appeared to be different than expected. The faculty member will instruct the volunteer to consult their personal physician or other healthcare provider (e.g. physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, etc.). If the volunteer does not have a personal physician, the scan lab instructor will provide a list of physicians in the area or direct students to Student Health for follow-up. In cases where the scan lab instructor believes the incidental finding is of an emergent nature (e.g., sonographically appears to be a possible dissecting aortic aneurysm), the scan lab instructor will ensure appropriate medical care is available and call 911.


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