
72 NMT Indiana Licensure


Licensure for Nuclear Medicine Technologists is required in some states, including Indiana.  If a graduate has a criminal history it could affect their ability to become licensed in the state where they wish to work.  They will need to check the individual state licensure requirements to see if their criminal record will affect licensure status.  A Student Radiography Permit is required for all students participating in a Nuclear Medicine education program. The following is information related to this permit program.

 IDOH Permit:      Student Nuclear Medicine Technology

 Approval Process for Student and Provisional Permits

On September 20, 2006, the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) Executive Board adopted a revision to radiology licensing rules.  The rule promulgation process was subsequently completed, and the final rule became effective December 27, 2006.  The final rule is codified at 410 Indiana Administrative Code [IAC] 5.2 and has been published in the Indiana Register.  The web site for the IDOH is www.in.gov/isdh.


Under the provisions of the new radiology licensing rule, students must obtain a permit in order to take radiographs or perform regulated radiologic/radioactivity procedures.  In order to qualify for a student or provisional permit, the student must be enrolled in a radiology educational program approved by the IDOH.  The permit is issued by the IDOH and must be obtained prior to taking any radiograph or performing a radiologic procedure.


The reason for requiring students to obtain a permit was primarily two-fold.  First, in order to enforce state licensing requirements and promote radiation safety, the IDOH needed to be able to identify who is appropriately authorized to perform procedures utilizing radioactivity.  In the past there was no defined limit on the student exemption.  This led to abuses where unauthorized and unqualified individuals were performing radionuclide procedures.  The student permit and provisional permit clearly place limits on the duration and scope of the student status.  Second, the IDOH has released an online licensing system that will be used for issuing radiology/radioactive licenses.  By getting students into the system early in the process, the IDOH has a means of identifying students.  This allows the IDOH to provide the students with assistance and information about the licensure process.

Students will be issued a permit based on the educational program in which the student is enrolled.

  • Students enrolled in approved programs of radiologic technology, nuclear medicine technology, radiation therapy, dental assisting, or a limited radiography will be issued a student radiography permit.

Student permits expire six months after graduation from the program or immediately upon withdrawal or termination from the program.


Application Procedure for Student and Provisional Permits

The following are the steps for obtaining a student radiography permit or provisional radiography permit:

  1. In order to obtain a student permit or provisional permit, the student must be admitted to or enrolled in an IDOH-approved educational program.
  2. The student obtains an Application for Provisional or Student Permit [State Form 27068]. Your Program Director will provide you with applications before entrance to fall clinical courses. (http://www.in.gov/isdh/23279.htm)
  3. The student is not required to submit supporting documentation with the application with the exception that the student must submit a written explanation if the student answers “yes” to any of the compliance information questions.  The IDOH will be verifying enrollment information with the educational program.
  4. The Program Director will submit the applications to the IDOH. There is no fee for the student or provisional permit.
  5. The IDOH will process the Application. Once the application is approved, the applicant will receive the permit in the mail.  Verification of license status may be found online via the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency’s My License system.  The My License system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at https://mylicense.in.gov/EVerification/Search.aspx.
  6. The student permit is to be used with the Approved Program listed on their student application.  It is only allowed in the area in which they are listed for the Approved Program.  For example, someone with an IU Nuclear Medicine Student Permit cannot use this specific permit for IU’s Approved Dental Program.
  7. The expiration date of the permit is based on the expected graduation date of the educational program. The IDOH should be notified of any change in the graduation date so that the expiration date can be corrected.  To obtain the form required to apply for licensure upon graduation go to:  http://www.in.gov/isdh/23279.htm (under Radiology Licensing Information).
  8. If a student withdraws or is terminated from an educational program, the student and educational program should immediately notify the IDOH of the withdrawal or termination. The student permit is listed as withdrawn and they are no longer able to operate x-ray equipment (ionizing radiation) or deal with radioisotopes.


Questions may be addressed to:

The Indiana Department of Health, Division of Radiology and Weights & Measures at 317-233-1325   or

Dave Nauth, Division Director at phone 317-233-7563, dnauth@isdh.in.gov.


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