9 IUI Tobacco Policy
IUI Tobacco Policy: Tobacco use or sale, including, but not limited to smoking, is prohibited on university-owned, -operated, -or leased property and/or university owned, -leaded, or -operated vehicles. Exceptions may be granted for specific auxiliary enterprises, as approved by the chancellor.
Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff, and students not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the policy, in order to promote a healthy environment in which to work, study, and live.
Violations of this policy should be referred to the appropriate administrative office for review and appropriate administrative action: for faculty, the Office of Academic Policies, Procedures and Documentation; for staff, HR Administration; or for students, the Office of The Dean of Students.
You are asked to restrict your smoking to the following areas:
Streets that are city-owned, and therefore do not fall under the IUI Tobacco-Free Policy:
- Michigan Street and the sidewalks on both sides
- New York Street and the sidewalks on both sides
- University Blvd. and the sidewalks on both sides
- Blackford Street and the sidewalks on both sides
- North Street from University Blvd to Sigma Theta Tau and the sidewalks on both sides
- 10th Street
- Dr. Martin Luther King (West Street)
- Indiana Avenue
- Limestone Street from Michigan to New York and the sidewalks on both sides
- Porto Alegre from Michigan Street to Limestone Street
- Wilson Street from 10th Street to the north edge of the Wilson Street Garage
- Elmwood from 10th to Wishard Blvd.
The remainder of the streets within the main campus boundaries (10th St. to the river and MLK to Porto Alegre St.) were either built by the campus or have been vacated by the city and now are owned by the University. Please do not smoke in any area not on the bullet list above.
You may visit this link for additional information https://nosmoke.iupui.edu/