
71 NMT Outcomes Mapped to IU PLUS


Alignment between B.S. in Nuclear Medicine Technology Program-level Learning Outcomes and Profiles in Learning for Undergraduate Success

Updated April 2019



NMT Program-level Learning Outcomes Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success

Radiation Safety

Maintain a safe environment for patients, workers and the public, by employing radiation protection techniques in accordance with federal, state and institutional regulations Problem Solver—Collaborates

Communicator—Conveys Ideas Effectively



                    Instrumentation, Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Perform quality control on nuclear medicine instrumentation according to a quality assurance program Innovator—Investigates

Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates

Appropriately operate, monitor and troubleshoot nuclear medicine instrumentation to ensure optimal quality outcomes  


Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Utilize the scientific literature to assess departmental operation relative to current standards, implement changes to protocols, and assure the highest level of patient care,  nuclear medicine imaging and safety  

Communicator—Conveys Ideas Effectively

Problem Solver—Thinks Critically


                                 Radiopharmacy and Pharmacology
Prepare, calculate, evaluate and administer radiopharmaceuticals, adjunctive medications and contrast media in conjunction with nuclear medicine procedures Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Recognize and respond to adverse reactions to radiopharmaceuticals, adjunctive medications and contrast media administered in conjunction with nuclear medicine procedures  

Innovator—Makes Decisions

Community Collaborator—Anticipates Consequences



                            Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Perform nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures appropriate to the patient history and patient preparation in accordance to federal, regional and institutional guidelines  

Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates



Evaluate image quality and other acquired data Problem Solver—Thinks Critically


                                                  Patient Care  
Demonstrate care that is effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable for the treatment of health and the promotion of wellness while the patient is in the process of having a procedure



Communicator—Builds Relationships


                   Professionalism and Interpersonal Communication
Demonstrate a high level of responsibility, ethical practice, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population and adherence to legal and regulatory requirements  


Community Collaborator—Respectfully Engages Own and Other Cultures

Community Collaborator—Behaves Ethically



Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with patients, their families, and health care professionals  

Communicator—Listens Actively

Community Collaborator—Builds Community



                      Organizational Systems-Based Practice
Understand the fundamentals of current healthcare policy and the regulations of deliver systems to blend the complex layers of healthcare to maximize the values of patient care Innovator—Confronts Challenges

Problem Solver—Collaborates

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates

Problem Solver—Perseveres

                                  Research Methodology
Evaluate and utilize available resources to promote best practices in the profession Communicator—Evaluates Information


Systematically analyze scientific research and development Innovator—Investigates

Problem Solver—Thinks Critically

                                 Clinical Performance  
Demonstrates professionalism while in the clinical environment Problem Solver—Perseveres


Perform patient care tasks within the scope of practice of a nuclear medicine technologist Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates

Carry out administrative tasks within the scope of a nuclear medicine technologist  

Innovator—Makes Decisions


Execute quality control tests on nuclear medicine imaging and non-imaging instruments Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Complete diagnostic studies within the scope of a practice of a nuclear medicine technologist Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Prepare and administer adjunctive medications within the scope of practice of a nuclear medicine technologist Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals within the scope of practice of a nuclear medicine technologist Innovator—Makes Decisions

Problem Solver—Analyzes Synthesizes, and Evaluates


Practice radiation safety according to the scope of practice of a nuclear medicine technologist Problem Solver—Collaborates

Communicator—Conveys Ideas Effectively



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