41 RISP Appeal Policy
Students may appeal decisions that they feel adversely affect them. The Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Programs adhere to the Health Professions Programs Appeals Policy below.
This appeals policy covers any program or school admission or academic standards within the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine Health Professions Programs. Issues related to personal or academic misconduct follow the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (CODE). School admission procedures do not allow for an appeal based on any stated minimum grade point average as determined by each program’s admissions committee.
The CODE can be found online at http://www.indiana.edu/~code/. For information about the process to resolve allegations of personal or academic misconduct, please contact the IUI Office of the Dean of Students.
Appeals of Admissions Standards/Decisions: Admission standards exist at both the school and program level. To be eligible to appeal a program admission standard or decision, the individual must be an applicant to any of the IU School of Medicine Health Professions Programs.
Appeal of Academic Standards/Decisions: Academic standards exist at both the school and program level. To be eligible to appeal a school or program academic standard or decision, the individual must be a student in the IU School of Medicine.
All appeals are initiated at the program level. This applies to both admission and academic standards at the program and school level. All appeals must be initiated within 5 business days (excluding holidays) of the date that the individual was notified in writing of the program’s decision. This decision will be sent to the student’s university email address and it is the student’s responsibility to monitor this account. The timeline to submit an appeal applies to both the student’s initial appeal and any subsequent request to review the program level decision. Program Directors must reply to any appeal within five business days (excluding holidays) from the date the student’s appeal was received. A request to review a program-level decision must be based upon evidence of procedural irregularities or compelling non-academic reasons.