
40 RISP Program Dismissal Policy

A student who has been on probation and has failed to improve or correct performance problems will be recommended for dismissal from the program.  While on probation, additional incidents of poor performance (even if unrelated to the reason the student was placed on probation), may also lead to dismissal.

In addition, dismissal may occur when the student fails to meet HPP or program ethical, academic standards or program professional standards. Examples of dismissal situations include but are not limited to: failure of two different courses in the same academic session; failure of two different courses in separate academic sessions; failure of a repeated course; failure to meet minimum objectives in the first year clinical courses; and violation of HIPAA.

Illegal conduct or dangerous behavior that could place others in a harmful situation can result in immediate removal of the student from clinical or classroom attendance and, after evaluation, may result in probation or program dismissal.

See the Professional, Ethical and Practice Standards section of the this handbook.

A student who has been dismissed from the program may not reapply for admission unless the student petitions and the RISP faculty grant a waiver of this policy.  A second dismissal is considered final and the RISP faculty will not consider readmission.


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