39 RISP Program Probation Policy
Probationary actions are recommended to the RISP Director by a RISP faculty member or may be activated by the student’s academic performance or unprofessional behavior. When probationary actions occur, the student will be counseled and notified of the action, the length of probation and the action(s) necessary to be removed from probation. Failure to comply with the remedial actions outlined in that notification will result in the dismissal of the student from the program.
Examples of situations in which student may be placed on probation*:
Academic Probation:
- Cumulative GPA < 2.00
- Semester GPA <2.00
Program Probation:
- Professional course final grade of less than “C”
- Classroom or clinic absences (unexcused and/or excessive, as defined by course syllabi)
- Disruptive classroom or clinic behaviors
- Failure to comply with RISP policies
- Lack of progress toward the degree
- Inability to meet technical standards
- Dishonesty of any type, especially a breach of academic integrity: Cheating, Fabrication, Facilitation, Interference, Plagiarism, and Violation of Course Rules (see below‡)
- Breaches of civility toward others
- Failure to perform at minimal technical competency level
- Clinical absences (unexcused and/or excessive, as defined in this handbook)
- Excessive tardiness in clinical assignments
- Excessive pattern of poor behavior
- Poor interpersonal skills, including breaches of civility toward others, and language barriers
- Failure to comply with RISP clinical policies
- Inappropriate use of radiation
- Breaches of the Patient Privacy Policy or HIPAA requirements at any clinical site
- Dishonesty regarding clinical activities including clinical documentation
- Failure to accurately input clinical documentation into e-Value
- Clinical practice done without appropriate staff supervision
- Negligence that damages or may lead to damaging clinical education site equipment
- Inappropriate clinical appearance as in uniform, dress or personal hygiene
* The above listings are not meant to be all inclusive. Other similar situations may result in probationary actions. Additional sanctions may be imposed by the IUPUI Dean of Students depending on the nature of the behavior.
‡ Unethical behavior may adversely affect a student’s eligibility to take the National Certification Examinations.