53 Radiography Program Awards
- During the Program
- Perfect Clinical Attendance Award: A perfect attendance pin is awarded for perfect attendance in a clinical experience course. These are awarded each semester. The student can potentially earn 5 perfect attendance pins.
- At Graduation
- Hernandez Academic Excellence : given to the student who maintains the highest program GPA during the two years.
- Kehrein Outstanding Student Award: given to the student, who, in the view of the RISP faculty, has been the outstanding student in the class.
- Long Clinical Excellence: given to the student who maintains the highest program clinical GPA during the two years.
- Professional Development Award: given to the student who has done the most professional development while in the radiography program.
- Perfect Attendance Award: given to the student who has perfect attendance in all 5 clinical experience courses while in the radiography program.
- Certificate of Achievement: awarded to students who excel either clinically or academically while in the radiography program.